One of the best defense mechanisms these fish have is their dark overall coloration. They will go after food that starts to sink, but they will not touch food at the bottom of the tank. Feed the danio. You won’t have to spend a lot of cash. In aquariums there are things you can feed your zebra danio. A popular choice, is an LED lighting system. Zebra Danio have only basic needs when it comes to filtration and water movement, with any aquarium designed to house tropical community fish being suitable. It shouldn’t take more than a day or so for the breeding process to begin. They also like small crustaceans, which can make for an excellent treat once in a while. Zebra danio fry are very tiny and transparent. Water Temperature and Aquarium Necessities, Common Zebra Danio Diseases and How to Prevent Them. Zebra Danio Diet These are omnivorous and their diet includes phytoplankton, zooplankton, insect larvae, and other insects. Cycling water was described in the “How to Prepare Your Aquarium for  Zebra Danios” section. Zebra Danio Fish - Danio rerio. These two maintenance chores should keep your zebra fish happy and healthy. Most danios are omnivorous and are not picky eaters, though a high-quality flake food will go a long way with the fish. Allow both filters to run in that aquarium for a month. Females are usually a bit larger with a rounder body than the males. Other danios. You want to maintain a water temperature between 65 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. You want to hover the siphon just above the sand, gently swirling the water. These are signs of this bacterial disease. Look for the small containers of powdered egglayer fish foods sold at aquarium stores. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a freshwater fish belonging to the minnow family of the order Cypriniformes.Native to South Asia, it is a popular aquarium fish, frequently sold under the trade name zebra danio (and thus often called a "tropical fish" although both tropical and subtropical).. Zebra Danios grow up to around two inches long, so you can keep quite a few of them without having to get a huge tank. For breeding purposes ph 6.8, temperature of 80F. Balance the diet by also feeding them vegetable matter. Sponge filter. Required fields are marked *. While an albino Danio makes for a great pet, it doesn’t survive very long in the wild. Fresh greens provide the much-needed vitamin supply for your fish. Look for high-quality fish flakes, as they will satisfy most of this fish’s nutritional needs. Another favorite is fresh vegetables, like lettuce. Can my fish eat the Betta food without harming them. You can also use large round pebbles, as this simulates the fish’s natural environment. This way you will be able to assure the health of your fish. Petsoid is a blog for all pet and animal lovers. These plants will oxygenize the water while making your aquarium look nice as a whole. It will also prevent fish or plant leaves to get caught up in the filter. Zebra Danios need about twelve hours of light each day. When they finish those, they will begin free swimming. The tank should contain aquatic plants for cover, with an open swimming space provided in the centre. If you don’t … However after 5 or 10 minutes they settle and the black/blue stripes re-appear. This gives you plenty of options to choose from. Live food – daphnia and blood worms can be fed once a week to your zebra danios. Zebra Danios are very easy to breed in captivity , it is known to be good practice to separate the males and females a few week prior to attempting breeding during this time feed them a good high quality healthy diet and set a breeding tank up with temperatures known to induce breeding 22-25 degrees celsius. If you want to breed Zebra Danios, you will have to keep the males and females in their own breeding tanks for at least three weeks. Be sure to have two males to every female. Also, zebrafish eat small seeds that fall from plants. Zebra fish can be quite acrobatic. Yes, Zebra Danios are very playful. I have 5 zebra danios, I feed them Tetra Colour enhance flakes twice a day. Another common disease that can affect your Zebra Danios come from nematodes. After about ten days, you can introduce them to newly hatched brine shrimp or small bloodworms. Simply sprinkle some flakes on the water’s surface. They are very hardy, attractive to look at and they usually do well in groups of 6 or more. Therefore, keeping your water temperature too low can make them more likely to get sick. The core of their diet will be a good quality flake and you can occasionally use an algae-based flake food. They dash back and forth in the tank. Zebera danios are very tolerant of water conditions and temperature. They can develop dropsy, which is a fairly common disease that fish get in captivity. Anacharis - A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts), Ember Tetra - A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts), Plecostomus - A Complete Guide - Care, Diet, Facts, Damselfish - A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts), Bichir – A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts), Bolivian Ram – A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts), 21 Pond Plants: For Everyone (Ultimate List), Pearl Gourami – A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts). However, the eggs cannot be fertilized as Zebra Danios do not bear live young. Females have a rounder body and are shimmering white. Zebra Danios are often called “zebra fish” because of their horizontal blue stripes. Eventually, you will notice the female getting rounder in shape. ammonia danios nitrite zebra-danios. Zebra danios are small freshwater fish native to South Asia. Amazon Sword Plants and java fern are two good vegetation options to consider with this sort of tank setup. It is known for being very social as well as easy to take care of. They easily stands various tank water parameters and it can live even without water heating-up. Be sure there are no actual particles in it. At this point, you need to remove the male and female and return them to their home tank. Zebra Danios are prone to disease and illness when they are kept in cold water, which is why it is so important to regulate the temperature. Zebra danios are not what you would call fussy eaters and will eat nearly anything that you offer them. Fine sediment makes for an excellent substrate for these fish. Some of the different fish species that Zebra Danios peacefully co-exist within the wild include Emerald Pufferfish, Scarlet Badis, and the Honey Gourami. This has produced zebra fish in bright colors. Welcome to my blog. Danios are schooling fish that like to swim in groups and should be kept with three or more other fish of the same species. guppies and Mollies do not make good tank mates for these fish, as they will most likely fight. Zebra danio je med najtrdnejšimi akvarijskimi ribami zlahka prepoznavna po značilnih vodoravnih črtah. If they don’t have enough tank mates, they may begin to nip at the fins and tails of the other fish. In captivity, it takes high quality flakes or pellets. If you have plants in the tank, they will also get some natural-occurring food from them. zebra danio wont eat! Danios can be bred in captivity, but some extra care is required to raise fry to adults. You could keep them in a five-gallon tank. This can prevent your zebra fish from getting a disease from the bacteria in the water. Its vibrant colors and peaceful nature make it an excellent addition to just about any tank. You should make sure that the water has a pH of 6.5 to 7.2, and a temperature that ranges from 64 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Only feed your zebra fish as much as they can consume in a two-minute time period. Zebra Danios grow up to around two inches long, so you can keep quite a few of them without having to get a huge tank. The Danio rerio dwells in rivers and streams in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and Bhutan. 2. If you are going to care for a Zebra Danio, it is important that you focus on creating the best possible habitat. Anacharis, the perfect plant for every Pond or Aquarium! Electric Green GloFish® Danio native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility. They are so tiny, they are hard to see for the first week or so. If you use a fine sand, you will suck some of it up in the cleaning process. 3. You should be able to find live food at most aquarium stores. I currently have "tetra color tropical crisps" for my zebra danios. Zebra Danios diet - what food to feed them . 7 years ago. Most danios are omnivorous and are not picky eaters, though a high-quality flake food will go a long way with the fish. Treated sand is an excellent choice for the bottom of your freshwater Zebra Danio aquarium. Two great options are the Java Fern or the Amazon Sword Plant. They may become aggressive if your water levels are off. A separate 10 gallon breeding tank. Your Zebra Danios can entertain you for hours as they dart around the tank. The Electric Green GloFish® Danio (Danio rerio) is a genetically modified Zebra Danio, that has been genetically modified with a fluorescent protein gene and selectively bred to enhance the naturally occurring but rare fluorescent coloration. Danios enjoy a variety of food sources. This is because it has a higher concentration of nitrates. There will be many of these tiny eggs – about 300-400. Feed lightly several times per day, and change 10 percent of the water daily for maximum growth. ammonia danios nitrite zebra-danios. Handler, blue cross volunteer, owner of Chinese crested kennel “Salvador Dali” and breedless friend called Fenya. Answer Save. Zebra Danios Diet—Food and Feeding. Though they are considered a cold water fish, the captive bred Zebra Danios are not as hardy as their wild relatives. For best results, rotate their diet daily and feed only what they can consume in under 2 minutes, once or twice a day. 20 gallon tank my zebra danio won't eat! You may, unknowingly, lose some when you cycle your tank water. I have 5 zebra danios, I feed them Tetra Colour enhance flakes twice a day. Nematodes can enter your fish tank if your tank is heated. Often Zebra Danio males will remain devoted to one female. The Zebra Danio is a popular freshwater fish among aquarists. Push it down so that it is about an inch deep in the sand. You don’t need a powerful, high-end filter for this type of tank setup. How to Feed Your Herbivorous Fish Heater thermostat. Therefore, you may want to use a thermostatically controlled heater to be sure your water temperatures will remain consistent. Then, simply suck up any dirt that floats into the water column. You can simply do a thorough vacuuming job of your sand. Therefore, an HOB (hang on back) filter is suggested. These fish typically grow to be around two inches long but require a tank that is at least 10 gallons. Today’s wider variety of appearances among Zebra Danios is due to selective breeding. They are good jumpers. Natural History of the Danio. They should not go without eating unless they are stressed or sick (unless you mean you cant afford food). Like any true omnivore, zebra danios won’t hassle you over food choices. They love to eat almost anything you feed them. How many days can a zebra danio go without food??? What Do Danios Eat? There is no evidence that these genetically engineered zebra danio fish pose any more threat to the environment than their unmodified counterparts which have long been widely sold in the United States. The only problem is that I'm not sure these float long enough for my zebras (although they do eat them). Zebra Danios are social animals, preferring to interact in close-knit shoals. If they are in small groups, they can become aggressive. The community tank should be about 74F and ph 7.0. A standard hang-on-the-back filter will do just fine. Therefore, you will want to keep some type of cover on your aquarium. Hi, I've recently bought 2 zebra danios (yes i shouldve bought more but the fish shop only had 2 left) and i have combined them with my goldfish, the danios are about 5 cm long (near its maximum size) and my goldfish are still tiny (about 3-4 cm not including tail) So i feed my goldfish some flakes and pellets to have 2 different types of food to eat, would the zebra danios eat the flakes aswell? Such items will remind your zebra fish of the tree roots found in their natural habitat – streams and rivers. They tend to occupy slow-moving bodies of water, such as stagnant ponds. A Zebra Danio needs friends, a wide tank to play and swim around in… it eats almost anything and is a tough fish despite its friendly and peaceful nature. Zebra Danio will 400 to 500 eggs in the morning and do not forget to take the adults out of the tank as they can eat up the babies or even eggs in the breeding tanks. I normally feed them Tropical Flakes and the only major difference in the ingredients is the blood meal in the betta food. Also, be sure to purchase a master test kit. Favorite Answer . They even glow in the dark. Zebra Danio Diet and Feeding Zebra danios are omnivorous, accepting almost any foods. This includes everything from worms to larvae. Zebra Danio will not reach the adult size for up to 3 months. Nematodes are a type of worm; a parasite similar to a roundworm. Zebra Danio Fish - Danio rerio. You may also want to add a rock or some pieces of bogwood. Just make sure that you wash this material before putting it in the aquarium. Updated May 14, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Zebra Danio is one of the most popular tropical fish for many reasons. If your Danios not eating try cycling the tank, try doing a water tests, Try changing the water. If the water temperature isn’t warm enough, there may be another problem with your fish. Zebra Danios will eat most food such as flakes, pellets, tablets, live or freeze-dried, but it does need to float on the surface because thats where they prefer to eat. It falls on your shoulders to select the best quality to keep their stripes looking bold and stave off potential health problems. Also, feed them two to three times a day due to the level of their activity and their high metabolism.