Part-Time Diploma courses are designed for adult learners with working experience and academic qualification* such as GCE 'O' level, ITE qualification or WSQ Certificate, with the focus to equip them with the knowledge and skills to undertake and add value to jobs within a specific industry. You learn from expert academic staff and can choose from a wide range of courses from the Bachelor of Sport and Recreation. Singapore Polytechnic’s Specialist Diploma in Nutrition & Exercise Science is geared towards individuals in the nutrition and fitness industry. PART-TIME DIPLOMA COURSES. Woodlands SGD 7.6K - 11K monthly. The Diploma in Sports and Exercise Science is for those working in a sports environment who want to enhance their employability by developing the skills to critically assess, evaluate and disseminate evidence. Program Description. AAA in three H2 level subjects including A in a mathematics or science subject. Job Specializations Others / Others. Available both on Campus and Online. Work with and under the direction of Physiotherapist in assisting clients in… 28 days ago 2 years ago, I was interested to take a sport science course. Congrats to the National Women’s Floorball Team for winning the Team of the Year Award! Consisting of 2 Post Diploma Certificates, one in Nutrition and the other in Exercise Science, course lecturers have over a decade of experience in the relevant industries. SSM Major Prescribed Electives (Sport Science Specialisation): General. One was Republic Polytechnic, and the other PSB Academy. The Diploma in Sport and Exercise Sciences (Sport Coaching) is targeted at sport science and coaching practitioners who are focused on skill development and high-performance sports. LIST OF PART-TIME DIPLOMA AND POST-DIPLOMA COURSES. The Preferred Sports College & learning partner that offers a selection of educational Sports Courses. ... Healthcare Exercise & Sports Specialist - *Dip in Sport Science/ CENTRAL. The Sports and Exercise Medicine Postgraduate Diploma is designed to be practical and clinically focused. Diploma in Sports jobs in Singapore All New Filter 224 jobs Create alert All New Senior Executive, Digital Marketing – Singapore Sports Hub ... Job Responsibilities The Associate Lecturer for Diploma in Sport & Exercise Science (DSES) will contribute and deliver module (s) in the areas of: i) Sports and Exercise … exercise jobs. K-Track course; Waardong course; Ngoolark support unit; TLC110 Learning for tomorrow ; FlexiTrack High; Pre-Law alternative entry course; Law Start alternative entry course The School of Sport and Recreation is home to experts in coaching, exercise science and nutrition, health and physical education, leadership and management, and outdoor education. Course overview The aim of this course is to develop your theoretical and practical knowledge of Sport and Exercise Science through working towards a Level 3 nationally recognised qualification. Sport and exercise science professionals apply their knowledge about exercise and its effect on the body to a variety of careers. Singapore Polytechnic (Abbreviation: SP) is a post-secondary education institution in Singapore.Established on 27 October 1954, Singapore Polytechnic is the first and oldest polytechnic in Singapore. Singapore Sports School Diploma Programmes. This programme is targeted at individuals who are focused in skill development and high-performance sports. The program is relevant to those interested and involved in the sport and leisure industry eg. ... provide students with a well-rounded and solid foundation in statistics for sport and exercise science and 2) prepare them for more advanced or graduate statistical courses. It is structured to provide a balanced coverage of pedagogy, psychosocial, management and scientific aspects of human movement. Fresh graduates with a sports and exercise science degree are welcome to apply. The course prepares you for both the technical and managerial aspects of high performance sport. Targeted at sport science and coaching practitioners to be trained in functional anatomy, nutrition, psychology, sport coaching, and analysis of skills. The Master of Science (Exercise and Sport Studies) programme is designed for participants with an interest in physical education, sports, fitness, health and wellness. A Diploma in Sport Science qualifies you for a variety of careers in sports, recreation and wellness. City College Norwich offers a Foundation Degree in Sport, Health and Exercise with an opportunity to top up to the BSc (Hons) Applied Sport, Health and Exercise. Who is this program for? If you use the diploma to transfer into a related university degree program, many more career opportunities will be available to you. Plan your studies abroad now. There were limited schools offering this course in Singapore. Diploma In Sports Science (Sports & Exercise Psychology) General Program Description About the School Ask a Question Contact School. ... Singapore A levels. Biokinetic Clinic Located at our Centre for Sport Science and Human Performance, the Biokinetic Clinic is unique with only a handful of its kind in the country. My graduation and top-student certificates from my Diploma in Sport and Exercise Sciences course. RECRUIT EXPRESS PTE LTD. Central SGD 2K ... Singapore Sports School. Topics covered include applied nutrition, diet and disease, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, physical fitness conditioning and exercise prescription and exercise rehabilitation. sport jobs. It will develop work-related and academic skills to enhance your performance; and explore the key principles of sports science, psychology, training, coaching and leadership. Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sports & Exercise Science. exercise or physiologist or physiologist jobs. You can study while you work and complete your degree online in just one year (full time). The National Extended Diploma is Sport is the second year of the Foundation Diploma (in Sport and Exercise Sciences). As a graduate of the Graduate Diploma of Science (Sport and Exercise), you can expect to find employment in areas such as health and physical activity promotion, as a sports coach, gym manager, recreation officer, personal trainer, sports development officer, or work within sports tourism, community sport and recreation, and promotion of sport performance among athletes. This post-diploma certificate course provides an understanding of nutrition and exercise science concepts relevant to the health and fitness industry. These options could include Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sports and Exercise Science. And sports science study is no longer confined to a few institutions of higher learning in a single hemisphere. The Specialist Diploma in Nutrition Science course aims to equip the food and nutrition professionals with the in-depth knowledge and skills in nutrition research methods, nutrition analysis, community nutrition & communication, as well as food labelling and requirements. On completion of the course, students will have obtained: A systematic understanding of the basics of sports medicine and exercise physiology, including the behavioural and life science basis. Postgraduate Diploma in Sports & Exercise Science Scientific discoveries of modern sports and exercise science have evolved with the time and stabilized as a well-recognize discipline. This course is a study of the development of a theoretical base for teaching sport and sport skill with a practical application. International Sports Diploma in Sports and Exercise Science (SportsFitness) CEB 571 Sports Coaching Methodology. This programme is designed to meet an increasing demand and need for sport, health, exercise and fitness practitioners to help improve individuals health and fitness levels as well as nurture sport science and coaching practitioners who are focused on skills development and high-performance sports. Candidates who intend to seek entry to the Master of Science (Sport and Exercise Science) programmes, should include the modules SPPG001 and SPPG011 in their programme of study for the Postgraduate Diploma. Job Type 6 institutions in Singapore offering Sports Science degrees and courses. Find out more. Today, many sports science degrees can be obtained from all over the world, including across Asia. 7d ago. This course is designed for aspiring sports scientists who wish to pursue a career within the exciting world of sport, performance and excellence or for those wishing to progress onto university to study sport and exercise science at degree level. More Information More filters Sort Most info English courses available Scholarships available THE Rankings Popularity Reviews PSB Academy Singapore. The Graduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science may lead to employment as an exercise consultant, exercise therapist or a rehabilitation coach. Searches related to sports science jobs. The Foundation Diploma is a 1 year programme that consists of 6 Sports Science units: - Anatomy in sport and exercise - Sports Psychology - Sports coaching - Research Methods - Fitness Testing - Sports Massage. This diploma will help put you on track for a career in fitness training, sports coaching or similar roles. Career outcomes. Each candidate’s programme will comprise four modules from the list below. Singapore's premier educator in practical industry training and offering industry recognised diploma and certifications in Management, Hospitality, Tourism, Sports Science, and Sports Management, IMSC will be able to address all your education and training needs. Further academic options could include study at degree or foundation Degree at a university or College. Sports, Exercise and Health Science; ... D*D*D in a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (QCF) in Sport and Exercise Science, Applied Science and Health and Social Care (Health Sciences) with Distinctions in at least 7 science-related units. Information for students and teachers of our BTEC Nationals in Sport and Exercise Science (2016 and 2017), including key documents and the latest news. Sport & Exercise Science [45 hours] ... Glamour OOTD by our SBM Diploma in Sport and Wellness Management student, alumni, and lecturer, at the Singapore Sports Awards Night, held at MBS on 18 July 2018. The Graduate Diploma of Applied Sport Science is designed for busy professionals looking to progress their career in the sport science industry.
diploma in sports and exercise science singapore
diploma in sports and exercise science singapore 2021