Unfortunately, products labeled “green” or “environmentally-friendly” may not actually be any safer for your lungs. “With spray products, you are breathing in the aerosol like a sponge.”. Using household cleaning chemicals puts you at risk whether you're a healthy adult or someone who suffers from a chronic breathing disorder. Our lungs do a lot for us. Because of this, repeatedly breathing in respiratory irritants like chemical cleaning fumes can actually cause the disease to progress faster. The participants, whose average age was 34 when they enrolled, were followed for more than 20 years. Published in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, the study examined data from more than 6,200 participants, analysing their health over a period of 20 years.. Recent survey results led researchers to study the correlation between the use of chemical cleaners and decline in lung function. Duke Reeves. Living in a clean house may be good for your health, but actually cleaning your home to get it to that condition may be bad for you. No lung function changes occurred in men who cleaned. In the next sections, we're going to show you a variety of ways you can reduce your exposure to dangerous cleaning chemical fumes. The total amount of air a person can forcibly exhale declined 4.3 ml/year faster in women who cleaned at home and 7.1 ml/year faster in women who worked as cleaners. That's why it is particularly important to learn how to recognize and avoid hazardous cleaning chemicals if you have a lung condition like COPD. As a result, well-ventilated rooms have cleaner air and fewer harmful pollutants. Using proper cleaning techniques and safer products will improve your indoor air quality and may even improve your quality of life with COPD. The vast majority of commercial cleaning solutions are likely to contain noxious chemicals, VOCs, and fragrances that are dangerous to breathe. If sustained for too long, the inflammation begins to injure healthy lung tissue. In fact, the vast majority of cleaning tasks can be completed to satisfaction with nothing more than a clean cloth, warm water, and soap. However, ammonia and bleach are not the only chemicals worth avoiding; most commercial cleaning products contain chemical compounds that can irritate your lungs. Whatever you do, it's important to think ahead so you'll have the tools and help you need when you need them. The gases created from this combination can lead to chronic breathing problems and even death. “The take-home message of this study is that in the long run, cleaning chemicals very likely cause rather substantial damage to your lungs,” Svanes said. Even though most of us dont think of the lungs as something we can exercise, its possible to take steps to help them work better. If you put together a strategy ahead of time, it will be easier to take the steps you need to minimize your chances of breathing harmful fumes. The study, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, investigated home cleaning products, including sprays and other cleaners.Although the study didn’t look at products’ impacts on lung cancer risk, it did aim to find out how cleaners damage the lungs and impair function. Uses: This paste is great for removing rust and stains from porcelain, enamel, or stainless steel surfaces like your bathtub or sink. Some can be harmful to your health. Researchers say the chemicals in household cleaning products can damage your lungs as much as smoking cigarettes. Spray the greasy surface directly or dip a sponge in the solution, then wipe the surface clean. You can get quotes from house cleaning services in your area and ask what types of products they use. Unfortunately, there are some situations in which you will need to use chemical cleaners and disinfectants in your home. This is something scientists have long suspected but, until recently, didn't have the data to prove. Powerful disinfecting sprays, sanitizers and cleaners may be doing more harm than good. That's why it's important to learn how to use all cleaning products safely. However, recent research shows that common household cleaners may be much more dangerous than most people realize. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For instance, you may need bleach to get rid of mold in your home or deal with particularly hazardous messes. Cleaning products could be damaging your lungs – oh, but only if you’re a woman because society is hilarious like that In breaking (and arguably misogynistic) news... Feb 20, 2018 10:58am After all, it’s what they believed would best protect them and their families. Highly toxic ingredient that has been used for decades in national brand cleaning products. Always take care to vent the space properly both while you clean and after you're done. Here are some of the most hazardous chemicals for your lungs and respiratory system: Here is a list of some specific products that contain hazardous chemicals or emit fumes that can irritate your lungs: If you suffer from chronic respiratory problems, it's worth going well out of your way to protect your lungs from all types of cleaning fumes, not just ammonia and bleach. “However, when you think of inhaling small particles from cleaning agents that are meant for cleaning the floor and not your lungs, maybe it is not so surprising after all,” he said. The solution works best while the water is warm, so you should try to use it immediately. According to one new study, chemicals from personal care products and household cleaners are major culprits. If you have asthma or COPD, even mild fragrances in cleaning solutions and air fresheners can irritate your lungs badly enough to cause serious respiratory symptoms. One of the potential shortcomings of the study was that there were few male participants working as occupational cleaners. People with these conditions have particularly sensitive lung tissue, which means that even small amounts of fumes can trigger inflammation in their lungs. by Toni S. Today, numerous people all around the world had the “kill-all-germs” standard for their homes. But according to a new study, inhaling the toxins found in conventional cleansers could wallop your lungs -- because over time, the damage they do to your airways may make it harder for you to breathe. Toxic gas is formed when chlorine bleach is mixed with other cleaning products. The results were pretty astounding. The lungs of these women had decreased capacity; and they had higher asthma rates. Uses: This deodorizing solution is great for cleaning smooth surfaces like appliances, faucets, kitchen counters, door handles, and more. The researchers found that women who used spray cleaning products at least once a week showed a decline in lung function that was faster than usual. You can ask family members and friends to help you out, or you could hire a house cleaning service to come occasionally and handle the heavier cleaning tasks. Some cleaning products may contain ammonia or bleach. There are many different types of VOCs, and they are found in a wide array of products, including cleaning solutions, hair spray, and even building materials like plywood and glues. You may need to give the surface another wipe with a damp cloth to remove any leftover residue. Harmful chemicals in cleaning products ‘increase your risk of lung damage’ The potentially dangerous substances can be found in washing up liquids, floor cleaners and bleach Lizzie Parry When ammonia and bleach mix they produce toxic chloramine vapors. Instructions: Mix the water and white vinegar together and store the solution in an airtight container or spray bottle. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. That includes properly handling chemicals, using noxious cleaners only when necessary, and ensuring that the air is well-ventilated while you clean. Lead study author Øistein Svanes is a doctoral student at the Department of Clinical Science at the University of Bergen. Until now, no other study on the effect of cleaning solutions on the lungs has been carried out over such a long period of time. 7 Findings of Lung Damage linked to Using Non-Natural Cleaning Products . Because of this, any time you use a cleaning spray, you are essentially spraying chemical fumes into the room. “However, the study population were established from random population samples of men and women, so working as a cleaner was not a requisite for inclusion,” Svanes explained. Because their lung function is already limited, the damage COPD patients sustain from repeated exposure also has more serious effects. You may need to wipe the surface one more time with a dry cloth to remove any moisture and leave the glass streak-free. A new, independent study based on 20 years of research reveals a sobering fact: cleaning your home with national brand cleaners significantly damages lung tissue. Toxic gas is formed when chlorine bleach … Among their many hazards is depleted lung capacity—the result of damage to the tender internal tissues of the respiratory system. Researchers say the chemicals in household cleaning products can damage your lungs as much as smoking cigarettes. They also found increased rates of asthma among women who used the products regularly. It promotes normal lung functioning, reduces any swelling and inflammation, and rejuvenates lung vitality and strength. The study, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, investigated home cleaning products, including sprays and other cleaners.Although the study didn’t look at products’ impacts on lung cancer risk, it did aim to find out how cleaners damage the lungs and impair function. It's just not worth risking a flare-up or permanent worsening of your disease. Home Cleaning Products Study: The Main Takeaways. They include cleaning products for home and vehicles. According to the study, some of the likely […] It can make it easier to clean, easier to manage your symptoms, and easier to keep the lung function you have for longer. Women who regularly used household or industrial cleaning products for 20 years had as much lung damage as if they’d smoked a pack a day over the same period, a new European study finds. Scientists at Norway’s University of Bergen tracked 6,000 people’s use of cleaning products … In small amounts, VOCs are usually not harmful to healthy adults. And when you must use them, you should be careful to breathe in as little fumes as possible. It also helps remove small particles of dust, mold, pet dander, and other respiratory irritants that get kicked up into the air while you clean. Few commercial cleaning products are completely safe to use, but some seem to be much worse for your lungs than others. Mixing flavors and functions is a basic skill in cooking: Add lemon juice for acid, parmesan for umami, you get the idea. People who cleaned more regularly (such as people who clean for a living) experienced lung damage on par with smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 10 to 20 years. The … To help you out, we've made a list of some of the most common chemicals in cleaning solutions that can be dangerous to your lungs. However, exposure to chemical fumes can be even more dangerous for lungs that are strained due to an existing respiratory problem like asthma or COPD. If you're exposed to a lot of fumes all at once, you might experience a sore throat, dizziness, headache, nausea, and even stomach pain. After all, even cleaning products that are safer for your lungs can irritate your respiratory system if it is very sensitive or you suffer from severe COPD. The study is one of the first to explore the long-term impacts of cleaning products on lung and respiratory health. In 2017, a new study revealed that using bleach and other … You may need to do a final wipe with a dry cloth to remove any excess moisture left behind. A category of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), for instance, are well-known air pollutants and respiratory irritants that are found in all sorts of cleaning solutions. Usually, it takes many episodes of chemical exposure and inflammation over the span of many years to cause noticeable long-term damage. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Here are some tips on how to keep your kitchen clean without spreading bacteria. As a safer cleaning alternative, warm water and soap often will do the trick, especially at home. That's why you should never assume that your lungs are safe when you clean just because you don't notice any symptoms or the fumes don't burn your nose. Luckily, you can make simple and effective cleaning solutions yourself using just a few basic ingredients. You might not realize that cleaning fumes have damaged your lungs until much later in life when it starts to have more obvious effects on your health. Here are some more tips for storing and using chemical cleaning products as safely as possible: If you use common household cleaning products often, you could be doing significant and measurable damage to your lungs. It’s not just chemicals like bleach that can create health problems. Chances are you don't actually need to use chemical cleaners and sanitizing solutions nearly as often as you think. Both the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and the EPA have endorsed a multitude of products that are better for your health and the environment. Tips and Hacks, Download Our Official Guide to Portable Oxygen Concentrators, LPT Medical In this article, we're going to explain everything you need to know about how to protect your lungs from dangerous chemical fumes. It branches into the right and left pulmonary…, Within the body, there are a total of four pulmonary veins, and all of them connect to the left atrium of the heart. Most commercial cleaning products contain fragrances, hazardous chemicals and toxic fumes — all of which can irritate the lungs and cause difficulty breathing. These chemicals come with risks on their own, but they are especially dangerous when combined. Here's a good excuse to avoid it: Chemicals in household products 'increase the risk of lung damage' The Norwegian study looked at 5,000 women over a … Cleaning fumes can linger for awhile, so it's a good idea to continue venting the air for an hour or so, or until all traces of the smell are gone. Read labels … Lakeisha Ethans. The most important take-away is that you should limit your use of chemical cleaning products as much as possible. If you’re meticulous about cleaning you could be harming your lungs. Baking soda is good for scrubbing. Cleaning products can have a negative effect on pulmonary health and cause lung damage. Over time, that results in persistent changes in the airways and airway remodeling. Cleaning Products Damage Women’s Lungs as Badly As Smoking. Here are some of the best on the market…. cleaning products is as damaging to lung health as smoking 20 cigarettes per day. Other studies have examined the short term effects of cleaning products containing bleach and ammonia. Beware! When these fumes come in contact with the delicate tissue lining the inside of your lungs, they cause immediate cell death, destroying healthy lung tissue and causing inflammation. The damage … Unless you need them for a very specific purpose, you should always avoid any cleaning solutions that contain ammonia, bleach, VOCs, or other harsh cleaning chemicals. Cleaning Products Some chemicals in disinfectants and cleaning supplies are called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Rather, in a new study on household cleaning products – the very first of this variety – the researchers were more interested in how these cleaners damage the lung and impair its function. All rights reserved. COPD, Then add 2-3 cups of water and shake vigorously. In contrast, smoking is known to kill almost 20,000 Australians each year. Fortunately, two large-scale studies published in the past couple of years have shed more light on the link between cleaning fumes and long-term respiratory problems. Nelson also told Healthline that the study found no difference between spray cleaners and other products. The inferior lobe is a section of the human lung. But with cleaning products, combinations aren’t just the sum of their parts. H ousehold cleaning products are as a bad for lung function as smoking, a new study has shown. The researchers released a number of statistics comparing women who clean against women who don’t do housecleaning. “These chemicals are usually unnecessary. Water, soap, and vinegar-based solutions work just as well as most commercial cleaning products and are significantly less hazardous to your lungs. There are alternatives to cleaning sprays that have chemicals that can damage your lungs and many cleaning services are starting to switch to natural products that don't harm workers health. Most houses have ventilation fans in the bathrooms and sometimes in the kitchen, too. National Brand cleaning products cause Lung Damage. Numerous prior studies have linked inhalation of cleaning products with increased risk of asthma, prompting researchers to question the impact to average people from conducting routine cleaning, defined as more than one time per week, … Powerful disinfecting sprays, sanitizers and cleaners may be doing more harm than good. Certain harsh cleaning chemicals, like ammonia and bleach, are particularly toxic to breathe. To use, either spray the solution directly on the glass surface and wipe dry, or wipe down the surface with a clean cloth dampened with the solution. By. These are the acute, immediate effects, but breathing chemical fumes can cause long-term health problems as well. For tougher cleaning jobs, you can use a gentle homemade cleaning solution containing vinegar or baking soda. They also indicate that the severity of lung damage is directly related to how frequently you are exposed. You should rarely have to use anything stronger than the solutions you can make from mild ingredients at home. One … Instead of using spray bottles, you can simply use a cloth or sponge to absorb the solution and coat the surface you want to clean. A … When using cleaning or household products, keep the area well ventilated. and glass tabletops. Fortunately, you can reduce your risk significantly by taking special precautions and using mild, homemade solutions. It is exposes you to significantly more fumes than plain liquid solutions and can be much more damaging to your lungs. They found that exposure to cleaning solutions containing bleach and a category of chemicals known as quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) seemed especially likely to cause COPD later in life. Study leader Øistein Svanes said the types of cleaning chemicals that caused the lung damage “are usually unnecessary; microfiber cloths and water are more than enough for most purposes.” These studies show that even minimal exposure to chemical fumes can have a significant effect on your lungs over the span of many years. People who cleaned more regularly (such as people who clean for a living), experienced lung damage on par with smoking 20 cigarettes daily for 10-20 years. The authors speculate that the decline in lung function is attributable to the irritation that most cleaning chemicals cause on the mucous membranes lining the airways. First, we'll take a look at which cleaning products are safe (and not safe) to use, and then we'll show you some specific tips and tricks for keeping your lungs protected every single time you clean. Even if you don't notice immediate symptoms, years and years of exposure to these fumes can cause permanent lung damage and even life-threatening diseases like COPD. Nearly all of the national brand cleaning products you buy at the grocery store are made with a multitude of harmful chemicals. “Using spray cleaners is a matter of convenience,” Nelson said. In some cases, they can even trigger COPD flare-ups that last long after the fumes are gone. In fact, some cleaning products damage lungs over time. Topics: Should You Change Clothes When You Get Home to Get Rid of Germs? Simple Cleaning Products Some cleaners have harsh chemicals that can cause breathing problems or trigger an allergy or asthma attack. A mix of vinegar and water can clean glass. We've long known that the harsh chemicals found in many cleaning products can be dangerous if not handled correctly. If you have COPD, you should always avoid commercial cleaning products that are not specifically designed to be lung-safe. Many of them are "green clean" services or may advertise as "environmentally friendly" services. Researchers found high levels of bacteria even in “cleaned” sponges. Just dip your cloth (or sponge) into the solution, wring it out, and use circular wiping motions to distribute it evenly over the area. Women who use conventional cleaning products once a week damage their lungs as much as if they were smoking a pack of cigarettes a day Women who regularly used household or industrial cleaning products for 20 years had as much lung damage as if they’d smoked a pack a day over the same period, a new European study finds. VOCs, chemicals, and vapors that are produced during cleaning can cause acute or chronic respiratory problems and damage the lungs. Cleaning fumes can affect you even if you don't realize it and you don't get any immediate symptoms. The following DIY recipes for homemade cleaners all use common, mild ingredients like soap, baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, and borax. By now, just about everyone knows the dangers of smoking cigarettes. Dec 6, 2018 10:08:24 AM / by Highly toxic ingredient that has been used for decades in national brand cleaning products. Apply the paste to a sponge or scrub brush and scrub the surface you want to clean. Cleaning with bleach, antibacterial sprays, and other chemical products may give you confidence against dirt and germs. The amount of air a person can forcibly exhale in one second declined 3.6 milliliters a year (ml/year) faster in women who cleaned at home and 3.9 ml/year faster in women who worked as cleaners. Many cleaning products also contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The study found that petroleum-based chemicals used in fragrances and paints emit pollution which can trigger asthma, cause permanent damage to our lungs and are linked to … VOCs are chemicals that emit toxic gases during use and provoke respiratory inflammation. To use, simply wet a cleaning towel or sponge with the solution and gently wipe down the surface you want to clean. People with respiratory diseases are particularly sensitive to the damaging effects of respiratory irritants like chemical fumes. The regular use of disinfectant cleaning products such as bleach has been linked to an increased risk of developing fatal lung conditions, researchers said. As soon as the fumes touch your lung tissue, they can cause inflammation and a variety of respiratory symptoms like coughing, sneezing, and shortness of breath. To keep yourself and your family safe, it's important to always store and handle chemical cleaning solutions properly. But what about the cumulative effect of our exposure to so many harmful chemicals over the course of our lifetimes? Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Traditional home cleaning products cause lung damage. These droplets and fumes mix into the air and get into your lungs when you breathe. We'll also introduce you to a variety of simple, safer cleaning techniques and alternative cleaning products, including lung-healthy cleaning solutions that you can make yourself at home. Those who were exposed even more often than that experienced more severe lung decline. VOCs are chemicals that emit toxic gases during use and provoke respiratory inflammation. Chutima Chaochaiya / Nightman1965 / Shutterstock. That's why reading the label is a must; you should always look closely at the ingredients list and warning information before using any commercial chemical. This post might contain affiliate links. Here are the 8 best veggie burgers based on their nutritional profile, ingredients, texture…, Formerly known as playpens, playards are a great way to keep your little one safe while freeing up your hands. Uses: Use to wipe down smooth glass surfaces like windows, glass doors. Women’s lungs were found to be the most susceptible to lung damage from cleaning chemicals. Once the stain or rust is removed, wipe the area clean with a damp cloth. You will find all kinds of practical tips and tricks in this guide that you can use to significantly reduce your exposure to toxic cleaning fumes. The 2017 Harvard study, for instance, identified some specific chemical culprits that were most strongly linked to respiratory decline. Cleaning the home as little as just once a week triggered lung decline. This analysis was taken at three points over a 20-year period. “We need to be careful,” he said. According to the study, women who used the cleaning products regularly had a markedly decreased lung capacity. Breathing in even small amounts of fumes over a long period of time can cause chronic health problems and do permanent damage to your lungs. The study, released in February 2018, investigated the long-term effects of cleaning with commercial products, on lung function and airway obstruction. A new, independent study based on 20 years of research reveals a sobering fact: cleaning your home with common, well-known grocery store products made with ammonia, chlorine bleach, quaternary disinfectant compounds, and other dangerous chemicals significantly damages lung … Unfortunately, studies show that simply using household cleaning products on a regular basis is enough to cause permanent damage—and even COPD—over time. “We feared that such chemicals, by steadily causing a little damage to the airways day after day, year after year, might accelerate the rate of lung function decline that occurs with age.”. Then, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe off the solution and any residue it loosens up. Maybe. If you don't have a plan, you will be less likely to take the proper precautions and more likely to jump into a cleaning project unprepared. Cleaners and Lung Damage: The Scary Truth: It seems like we’re always discovering a new link between a health risk and a commonly found ingredient, especially when it comes to cleaning products. If you have asthma or COPD, these solutions won't harm your lungs and shouldn't trigger any respiratory symptoms. It’s been well established that constant exposure to cleaning products is linked to higher asthma rates. When my son, Nathan, was about 8 years old, we took him to a pulmonary specialist because he was having trouble breathing in the morning and at night. The Norwegian study extends that finding to long-term exposure and a diagnosis of COPD. However, that doesn't mean that you have to use harsh chemicals and disinfectants every time you clean. Women who use conventional cleaning products once a week damage their lungs as much as if they were smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. That's why it's important to check the ingredients on any cleaning and chemical products you buy to use in your home. In order to eliminate the risk of harmful fumes, you will likely have to buy specialized, mild cleaning products or make your own DIY cleaning solutions. Are cleaning products toxic? Further damage and inflammation from cleaning chemicals is much more likely to cause noticeable symptoms and measurable lung function decline. Scientists at the University of Bergen in Norway analyzed data from 6,235 participants in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey. Bleach Cause Lung Cancer and Other Health Problems. Home Cleaning Products Study: The Main Takeaways. After tracking 6,000 subjects for twenty years, they found that women who regularly used chemical cleaning solutions had poorer respiratory function than those who didn't. My husband suffered from childhood asthma and we were afraid that Nate was showing the same signs. The scientists who carried out the study advised that such products should be avoided and can normally be replaced with simple microfibre cloths and water.” Additionally, if you're using a homemade CPAP cleaning solution or oxygen concentrator cleaning solution, ensure that you use gentle products that don't damage the device. That's why it's best to avoid commercial cleaning products all-together when possible and make your own lung-healthy cleaning solutions at home. Cleaning Products Damage Lungs Over Time. This means that anyone who uses cleaning chemicals regularly may be putting their lungs at risk. One study from Harvard, published in 2017, found a strong correlation between subjects' use of chemical cleaners and fatal lung diseases like COPD. In fact, they're nearly as harmful as smoking! How do cleaning products affect lung health? Researchers believe that both types of chemicals can cause significant respiratory problems, even in small amounts, to people who use them regularly. Many cleaning products also contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. In February 2018 the American Thoracic Society published a ground-breaking study about the surprising extent of lung damage caused in people who clean professionally or clean their own homes (“Cleaning at Home and at Work in Relation to Lung Function Decline and Airway Obstruction.” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.) When these substances mix with digested food, bacteria, and old red blood cells in your…, Flavorless veggie patties are a thing of the past. Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, The 8 Best Veggie Burgers for Your Meat-Free Routine. Are cleaning products toxic? Don’t Bother to Clean Your Sponges to Get Rid of Bacteria. 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