By adding java moss to the breeding tank, you can also breed another species like red cherry shrimp. The can make the process easier for the fish keeper in that the males will protect the eggs so putting them in an “incubator” is not needed. Then change the water with soft, neutral water, to get both a rise in pH and a drop in temperature. (Most big brand pet stores won’t buy fish from local breeders because they already have contracts with large fish farms.) Choose fish that have low input but high output, money wise. Shipping on orders under $59 is charged at a flat rate of $4.99. Google up 'How to breed Corydoras' Corydoras Weitzmani are often very expensive for corys (£40 each at my LFS) so you'd probably get a nice little profit. The supply and demand for different aquarium fish species is a constantly moving target. All corys breed basically in the same way. Corydoras Sterbai Breeding. If you have guppies Michael’s Fish Room is an awesome channel to subscribe to. For instance, many shrimp enthusiasts love the striped pattern on rili shrimp, but if you show a rili shrimp versus a solid red cherry shrimp to the general public, they will almost always pick the regular red cherry shrimp because they think there’s something wrong with the rili shrimp missing a patch of color in its midsection. This guide is suitable for beginners who are starting out or those who want to learn more about breeding Corydoras. Get weekly aquarium blog articles right in your inbox. Built by Blend. Most people who visit fish stores are beginners, so research what kind of fish they like to buy by reading articles on the top beginner fish for freshwater aquariums. Breeding to make money tank (not profit) By James Black, January 11 breeding for profit; 9 replies; 141 views; Brandy; January 13; Picking breeding projects for the year ... Corydoras eggs!!!! Then, instead of asking the fish store how much they will pay you, you can make the first offer. Breeding for profit, grow out tank size recommendations, breeding various freshwater species, etc. After all, fish mature at different rates, and size is the best indicator here. It may be smarter to raise up several smaller spawns with different hatch dates so that you always have fish available at the ideal size for the fish store to sell them. Rachel O’Leary goes into detail on how to set up a fish tank to breed Plecos. Also, research the ideal size for each species to be sold. 2 gold rams 5 neon tetras 5 corydoras. Breeding catfish is a delicate operation requiring timing, skill, and luck. Sometimes one fish is all the rage, and then half a year later, no one wants them because everyone bred them and now the market is oversaturated. By breeding complimentary species in the same tank, people can then set up an aquarium like yours and buy more than one product from you. Michael’s Fish Room goes into how to breed Plecos for a profit. If you’re interested in profitability, sell what the public prefers and keep your interesting, unique fish just for fun. © 2021 Aquarium Co-Op. Then, negotiate your price to be approximately 25% of the total customer price. Other possible combinations for a single breeding tank include angelfish with corydoras or Apistogramma cichlids with java moss. To trigger your Corydoras to breed, provide plenty of hiding places for the fish, like caves. Beginners also tend to keep smaller fish tanks, so go with nano species instead of oscars or goldfish. Try your best to follow these rules: Start small. and breeding . Also, diversifying your offerings allows you to continue making some revenue each month even if there isn’t a demand for one of your species. Local fish stores typically run out of java moss because it’s quite slow-growing, so you may be able to sell a bucketful of java moss for $20 a month. For stock I was thinking: 2 Gold rams 3 endlers (1m 2f) or 5 males 5 corydoras. If you are an inpatient breeder and want to get your corydoras population up as quickly as possible, you will be glad to know that they are extremely easy to breed. You need to be that stable person who controls the market and always has marbled angelfish available at the same constant cost. Finally, fish stores are looking for long-term breeders who always provide the same species and aren’t constantly switching up their offerings. Java moss is a great candidate because not only is it easy to grow, but it serves double duty by providing cover for your guppy fry and increasing their survival rate. Share your market data with the store manager and what price you believe customers will pay for your fish. Michael’s Fish Room goes into how to breed Plecos for a profit. Feed them with red mosquito larvae (bloodworm), blackworms, daphnia, artemia, chopped earthworm and tubifex. How to Use Liquid Carbon in Your Planted Aquarium, 10 Best Top-Dwelling Fish for Your Aquarium, How to Use Airline Accessories in Your Aquarium, Top 10 Betta Fish Plants for Your Aquarium. Thank you so much to Eric and Cataclysm for letting us record this so we could all share it with you. Also, don’t sell the remainder of your angelfish in your local fish club auction or on classified ad websites, or else you are directly competing with the fish stores and they won’t be as likely to work with you again. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Breeding Guppies; Corydoras; Plecos; ... How to breed Plecos for profit! But you really have to watch your profit margin when breeding these kinds of fish. Best of luck with your fish breeding endeavors. ).So we don’t want at the beginning to be “misunderstood”; More Isn’t Always Better – in this case it’s not true! If you liked this article, don’t forget to sign up for our weekly newsletter and stay up to date on our latest blog posts, products, and more. This method helps you create a clearly documented paper trail of all expenses and revenue for tax reporting purposes. Your business suddenly becomes more legitimate and professional because you can accept cash, credit, or check. Post your questions here. 1 Breeding for profit . Then start breeding and offering the fish for sale on local forums, or sites like Craigslist, eBay, or Aquabid. Breeding fish for profit. The easiest, most hassle-free way to sell fish is to go to your local fish store. (This is another reason to have a credit card reader in case they don’t have exact change in cash.) The lower the price, the faster the store can sell them. Tips on How to Breed Guppies for Profit. Ken's Premium Veggie Wafers 1 lb. Plecos. This first way is probably what comes to mind first, and it is super popular. Selling on classified advertisement websites like Craigslist is the second hardest method. One day someone may buy your marbled angelfish from the store, breed a ton of them, and then undercut you in price. Eventually, you will build up a good reputation among the local hobbyists so that they start recommending your name to others who are looking for certain fish. With fish stores, the only customer you have is the store manager, and therefore you can fully devote your time and attention to make that customer very, very happy. Wait for the market bubble on marbled angelfish to crash and eventually rise again. Other possible combinations for a single breeding tank include angelfish with corydoras or Apistogramma cichlids with java moss. While it is most essential to keep Corydoras Sterbai in groups for their overall well-being, it is also the best way to breed the fish, as they will be familiar already with potential mates. Feed the fish well, as much as they like and more. If you decide to be the best provider of red bristlenose plecos, have them available at all times. The goal is to be profitable and not run at a loss, which means our #1 tip is to not invest a lot of money in this project. Finally, remember that what you think is cool is not necessarily what the public wants to buy. The time given in care and attention to my fry,i would say no profit ,unless you breed more sought after cories like matts goldstrip etc.. You would have to research your local shops has to buying in fish,alot stick to one breeder,and will only give credit or will take in donated fish. If you put a lot of effort, time, and make few mistakes, you might make enough to cover the costs of your other fish. CORE is a not-for-profit service delivered by … Build your reputation as a reliable breeder that always has the same species available for sale. By breeding complimentary species in the same tank, people can then set up an aquarium like yours and buy more than one product from you. this is the system in my fish room as well. I don't breed cories for a profit,so i can't help that much They don’t sell for a lot, and you can’t sell them until they’re juveniles. October 1, 2020 | 1 Views. As for if they are worth it, unless you are gonna breed them, there are nicer cheaper alternatives Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. If your fish keep dying at the fish store, try to solve the problem by feeding your fish the same foods, keeping them at the same temperature, and changing your water at the same frequency your fish store does. If they don’t sell African cichlids, then don’t make yellow labs (or Labidochromis caeruleus). … Çöpçü Fishes (Corydoras spp.) Breeding the Panda Cory . Yes, you may be able to sell them for a higher price, but don’t forget that you need to pay for extra shipping costs and there’s no guarantee your package will arrive on time and in good shape. Give the sample of fish to the store for free to try selling to their customers. Livebearers, are a good starter fish to breed for profit, as they require little to no care once born. Farming catfish is more a matter of money, time, and physical labor. However, the best practice is for you to get paid in cash. The video is an example of the Corydoras black venezuela. Pricing is a tricky subject because you are competing against the wholesaler that the local fish store buys from and they can sell at very cheap prices. If you keep this up for a week or two (or longer) most Corydoras will spawn [1]. Breeding Bristlenose Plecos – Jadren Aquatics. The bronze corydoras (Corydoras aeneus), also known as the bronze cory and green corydoras, is a small, tropical catfish that ranks among the most popular catfish kept in home aquariums.. For example Corydoras are cheap to care for, as they only require live food and filter sqeeezings and a 20 long is perfect for raising the fry. Michael goes into his system on how to breed guppies for a profit. Remiawy Plant Watering Spikes, Plant Vacation Waterer Wine Bottle Watering Stakes Terracotta... How to setup a Bristlenose breeding tank! Also, make sure your fish are healthy and robust. October 1, 2020 | 3 Views This donation is a show of good will so that the store can see whether or not your fish will sell at a certain price. When your local market is flooded with them and no one wants to buy right now, just scale down the number of tanks dedicated to bristlenose plecos but keep them around because eventually people will come back asking for them and you want to be ready for that opportunity. The reality is that selling fish from home as a full-time job is not a very profitable venture, and most other careers can make you more money for the same amount of time and effort. For now, let’s ignore certain costs like the mortgage or rent of your home and gas money to deliver fish. Please note: We unfortunately can only ship to addresses in the USA. Remember that you’re handing them $30 of free fish for a potential $840 per year in return. × This is the method I use for breeding with Corydoras. Michael goes into his system on how to breed guppies for a profit. Fish farms produce millions of fish and make very slim profits by selling them for less than $1 each. It becomes a win-win-win situation for everyone. To avoid holding excess inventory, don’t raise up more fish than you can sell. That brings your total monthly revenue to $70 a month or $840 a year with only one aquarium. If the fish store cannot pay you in cash, then get an inexpensive credit card reader for your smartphone. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also, people will compare your prices with other sellers’ if you publicly post them, so instead use private or direct messages to communicate them with interested buyers. If you have an excess of fish, talk to your fish store before making any decisions so that you won’t break the trust you’ve built up with them. … Hi everyone, I’m gonna start cycling my 17 gallon tank. Only occasionally is it ever truly profitable. Then overestimate how much it costs to run each tank. Breeding. Good ideas for value-added sales include microworm cultures, live daphnia, ramshorn snails, plants, food samples, spawning mops, and even used equipment. Smaller animals can be kept in both little and giant aquariums, so there is a higher demand for them compared to monster fish. The eggs should hatch in three to five days, and you should see 15 to 20 Corydoras fry swimming around your tank! To set up your Corydoras’ breeding tank, you need to make sure it’s fully cycled and not too fancy. That being said, breeding fish as a side gig is a great way to pay for your aquarium hobby expenses. You want to select the most profitable fish that are easy to breed and easy to unload, so go to a mainstream pet store and see what kinds of fish they sell in mass quantities. You can breed them as a colony in a heavily planted tank with dense foliage like java moss, or you can remove the eggs to raise the fry in a separate tank. TIP 2. In those cases, the only way to make your customer completely happy is to ship replacement fish at your cost or refund their entire order, resulting in a lot of lost time and money for you. If they like what you’re offering, you may earn yourself a repeat customer for easy future sales. Before you approach the fish store, do your research to find out how much fish cost, depending on their size, quantity, and quality. It’s very easy to end up losing money if you aren’t careful. (Usually, the fish store closest to you is the most convenient to work with because of the shorter driving distance.) Most local fish stores are independently owned, small businesses that are low on cash, and therefore they will likely offer you to pay you store credit. « Reply #11 on: December 16, 2014, 09:34:56 pm » Store credit from selling baby gold ancistrus and some cory sterbai paid for my green laser purchase at the weekend. They are native to South America and can found from Argentina in the south, all the way up to Columbia in the north. How do you increase your profit? By ChefConfit, November 19, 2020 how often? (Remember, guppy lovers may pay $50 in an online auction for a pair of specialty guppies, but the general public may only pay $20 in a store for those same guppies.) Corydoras are easy to care for and require minimal attention. In order to build a strong, lasting relationship with your local fish store, only breed the species that match what the store sells. Breeding of this species was initially thought to be quite difficult, but time has proven that breeding is possible in the home aquarium. Plus, you have already built in the cost of paying yourself, which means one day you can afford to hire someone else to help maintain the tanks so you can focus on building your business. Abstract. this is the system in my fish room as well. Breeding for profit has become an entire movement on its own. Instead, breed something like assorted guppies that sell for less but are always in demand. You should look for eggs on flat surfaces with moss on them, like flat rocks and such. Want to see how we care for your products? Get your electricity and water bill to find out how much it costs for each kilowatt of energy and each gallon of water you use. Although they may go for a higher price, don’t breed fish like discus, stingrays, or rarer African cichlids because not enough people buy them and you’ll end up with a surplus of fish. One idea is to add a plant to sell. Corydoras panda is a species of catfish belonging to the genus Corydoras, of the family Callichthyidae, and is a native member of the riverine fauna of South America.It is found in Peru and Ecuador, most notably in the Huanaco region, where it inhabits the Rio Aquas, the Rio Amarillae, a tributary of the Rio Pachitea, and the Rio Ucayali river system. Start small and form a solid, long-term relationship with one local fish store to sell your fish. How to breed Corydoras Catfish. Fish keep breeding all the time, and just because you made a fish doesn’t mean you can sell it. When Should I Dose Iron in My Planted Aquarium. Start small, and don’t buy a lot of tanks and equipment at first. Plus, record down how much time it takes you to maintain the aquarium. It’s also easier to form relationships with them and meet up in person. A 2-inch oscar is adorable and everyone wants to take one home, but a 12-inch oscar is difficult to rehome even for free. The reason for this is to avoid market competition. By calculating your operating costs, you can determine whether or not your fish breeding side hustle is running at a profit or at a loss. © 7715 The Groovy Guppy. It's the method I use, not the only one, but a method wich is succesful for me. They do cost more than the average corydoras at $15 to $20, so they might be a fun fish to breed for profit. If you have guppies ... 0 0 0 3 EASY WAYS to Breed Guppies — KeepingFishSimple. Bettas, on the other hand require much attention and separate tanks for each fry. 5. For example, if your local fish store can’t take any more guppies, you can still give them cherry shrimp and java moss. Beginners in this hobby are many times discouraged when they hear about breeders with elaborate fish rooms, with 50+ number of tanks (some approaching 200 tanks! ... Maybe you have been breeding corydoras for a long time, or you know everything about german blue rams or even discus fish. All rights reserved. If the store disagrees with your assessment, they can always try selling the sample fish you provided at a different price and then figure out your cut afterwards. If you have multiple local fish stores in your vicinity, commit yourself to only working with one store. By Hatice Ünal and Orhan Aral. In our experience, 1 out of 5 orders seems to have problems, such as wrong addresses, shipping delays, connecting flights diverted to hot locations, or boxes sitting outside for hours because the customer was at work. How often do corydoras spawn? BEST Triggers for Breeding CorydorasNON-STOP Spawning#Breedingcorydoras #Breedingcorycatfish--- Subscribe for more videos!!! In the beginning stages, you need to vet out any potential problems – such as how to get your fish to breed, whether or not people will buy your fish, and so forth. If you have your pricing correctly dialed in and the other breeder’s price is too low, eventually their business will no longer be sustainable (or they lose interest in angelfish) and they will quit breeding your species. Selling fish online and shipping them is one of the hardest ways to make money breeding fish. Depending on the rules of your fish club’s online group, post your available fish listing no more than once a month to avoid looking like spam. Breeding Guppies. Here at the Groovy Guppy we the Pleco is one of our favorite fish to breed. How to breed Corydoras Catfish. If the store can’t accept any of these options, you may need to find another shop to work with. How to get started breeding fish for profit. You may be able to make a little more money by selling to individuals online or locally, but you will end up spending a lot of time on customer support, catering to each person that has a special request or problem with your fish. The average client often doesn’t show up to scheduled meetings or is looking to bargain your price down. Breeding and Raising Cory Catfish July 18, 2020 Eric B Freshwater Under the right conditions, Cory Cats are actually very easy to breed, and a lot of the time people will have them breed in their community tank without them doing much. If I do go with endlers 1. If the fish don’t sell, then the store won’t be unhappy with you because they didn’t lose any money. Fish keeping can be an expensive hobby, so many aquarists wonder if it’s possible to make money by breeding aquarium fish. or. The reason you don’t want to keep adding a lot of new aquarium setups (even if you get the equipment for free) is because each tank costs money to run every month. Breeding Fish Forum - Page 12 forum for discussing issues related to the breeding of freshwater tropical fish. Stay in touch with Aquarium Co-OpPrivacy Policy. (You're doing daily water changes, so any left overs are no problem). Instead of buying another tank (and additional equipment) to raise more guppies, let’s find a way to make more money using the same tank. Keeping Corydoras catfish is a rewarding experience that offers many benefits. Also, diversifying your offerings allows you to continue making some revenue each month even if there isn’t a demand for … A single spawn of angelfish can make enough babies to sell for an entire year, so let any subsequent spawns get naturally eaten or separate the adults. Start with a high-quality stock and you may be able to sell 25 shrimp each month at $1 a head. What I think you should start with and how to make your initial investment back! by Groovy Guppy on Oct 01, 2020. by Groovy Guppy on October 28, 2020 | 6 Views | 0 Comment | As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. For example, let’s pretend every month you are paying $10 for power, water, and food for one fish tank. Some require more attention, and should be kept in soft, acidic water for a while. Most catfish farmers do not breed the fish they farm but rely on the purchase of fingerlings to stock their ponds. 17. The breeders should be well conditioned with live foods, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp or daphnia. I mainly want to breed the rams but I don’t want their young being eaten. You also spend 2 hours a month working with the tank (at a rate of $15 an hour), so you put in $30 a month of labor. ... 2020. If you still have too many fish, talk to your local fish store about offloading the surplus to their wholesaler, selling it to a remote fish store that is more than 50 miles away (thus decreasing the chances of them being a direct competitor), or selling the fish out-of-state via online auction websites. Once you have chosen a fish store to work with, bring them a sample bag of fish, as well as a cover letter with your contact information and a pricing list labeled by species name. The breeding tank should be furnished with Java moss or other fine-leaved plants for the eggs to be deposited upon. That being said, an at-home visit is also a good opportunity to upsell them on additional fish or small add-on purchases. Many people who breed fish start out with Corydoras catfish. Therefore, every month you are almost doubling your money from a $40 investment to $70 in revenue. Most small, profitable fish can be easily bred in a 10- or 20-gallon tank, so let’s say you start with a 20-gallon tank, heater, filter, and some assorted guppies. OK, however this is just our method how to raise a quality Moscow guppies with limited (low) number of tanks. Cherry shrimp and moss can both reproduce in the same tank, upping the amount of revenue you get from a single setup. Luckily, fish breeding is a long-term game. Small, colorful, and hardy fish that breed frequently are usually great options to breed for profit. Make sure your corydoras are at least 2.5 inches long before breeding them, even if they are 12 months old. Local fish clubs and their online social media groups are nice because the audience usually consists of more serious fish keepers who are not automatically looking for the cheapest prices. by Groovy Guppy on Oct 01, 2020. If you get a growing colony and are able sell 50 guppies every month for 50₵ each, then you would earn $25 per month. If you sell your angelfish to four different stores in the same area, inevitably one store will set the angelfish at the cheapest price and win all the sales, souring your relationship with the other three stores. Re: breeding tropical fish for profit/ reducing costs..? Therefore, whatever you offer to the fish store must be either at a better price than the wholesaler or at a better quality that the customer can instantly see. Based on our experiences from running a fish store, speaking with many fish breeders, and personally breeding fish to sell, we’ve collected the most important things you need to know about the best fish to breed, what supplies to buy, and how to sell them. If you let them come to your home to pick up the fish, be prepared to spend a lot of time with each customer because they will want to see all your tanks and talk shop about the aquarium hobby. If your fish are priced right, look fantastic, and never die, then the customer develops a great impression of the fish store, and the fish store wants to work with you more. Quite difficult, but time has proven that breeding is possible in the constant. The easiest, most hassle-free way to pay for your fish are healthy and robust minimal attention to fish. Unique fish just for fun Plant Watering Spikes, Plant Vacation Waterer Wine Bottle Watering Stakes Terracotta... how make! | 0 Comment | as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying.. You create a clearly documented paper trail of all expenses and revenue for tax reporting purposes t you. For profit/ reducing costs.. | as an Amazon Associate breeding corydoras for profit earn from qualifying.... Yellow labs ( or Labidochromis caeruleus ) breeding of this species was initially thought be! That brings your total monthly revenue to $ 70 in revenue ( low ) number tanks. 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