If the proposed changes do not fit with the scope and objectives of the original protocol, a new IACUC Protocol should be submitted. Washington State University takes the responsibility of animal care very seriously. Justifying animal numbers based on how many experiments can be completed in a certain amount of time, rather than specific scientific goals, is generally not adequate. This is to ensure that appropriate approvals are in place prior to the conduct of the work with a hazardous material in the vivarium. Review animal welfare concerns. The IACUC does not have authority to extend approval beyond three years. SCAW’s IACUC Training Workshop educates and trains individuals who work with laboratory animals in research, testing and education. The PI is the primary person responsible for the research proposal, the use of animals on the protocol, oversight of personnel in the laboratory, and implementation of research in compliance with institutional rules and federal laws and regulations. Some examples for indicators for euthanasia are tumor size, percentage body weight loss, inability to eat or drink, behavioral abnormalities, signs of toxicity, or clinical signs of severe infection or respiratory distress. When using nonpharmaceutical grade substances on live animals, the IACUC will require scientific justification for their use if a pharmaceutical grade alternative is available.19 Investigators will also need to address the purity, sterility, storage, date of expiration, known side effects, and adverse reactions of the nonpharmaceutical grade substance.7. The IACUC does not question the merit of your research, but the use of animals within it. 3. Classification E: Animals upon which experiments will be conducted involving pain or distress but use of anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs will adversely affect the experiments. How long does an IACUC protocol approval last before expiration? Depending on the IACUC, other methods of review including administrative review and veterinary verification and consultation may be available methods for certain amendment requests (NOT-OD-14-126). length of visit, contact with animals, level of involvement) that will impact what training and safety requirements will be required, and there are rules regarding visitors that you will need to be … USDA. Specifically, the principle of replacement will address why nonanimal models (in vitro, computational) or phylogenetically lower animal models cannot be used. These methods of review often allow for a more timely approval of amendments. How does the IACUC provide protection? Hollander M. Protocol processing: from submission to approval. The outcomes of the review process (approval, requirement of modifications to secure approval, or approval withheld) are then provided to the PI in writing along with the reasons for the decisions (AWR 2.31,d,4). All individuals who conduct the procedures described in the protocol, including students, research assistants, other laboratory staff, visiting scholars, and/or volunteers should be listed on the protocol. An IACUC constituted as per the requirements of the PHS Policy comprises of a wide range of experts, including one member whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area, such as the nonscientific member and the nonaffiliated member. Departures from the guide. -Review and approve animal use protocols submitted by investigators. For studies that induce a chronic disease condition such as tumor studies or infectious disease studies, the appropriate pain category may not always be clear. eIACUC is located within the Division of Research Integrity & Compliance (DRIC) Applications for Research Compliance (ARC) … of Agriculture (USDA). The principal investigator (PI) or instructor, and their staff, are responsible for understanding and following the regulations, as well as institutional