There is no significant dilation in response to the vehicle control (P=0.073, n=6 from 5 embryos). To address these questions, we adapted our assay for social orienting and cueing in the zebrafish and used it to probe a narrow chronological window that we expected to be relevant given the findings of other groups. Our data suggest that vSMCs contract at both 4 and 6 dpf. At the age of 3 to 4 months, they are sexually mature with females producing hundreds of eggs per clutch. We found a 5% constriction of the ≥9.5 µm diameter vessels in response to the vehicle when vSMCs are ablated (P=0.0001, n=2 from 21 embryos; Table S5). S-Nitroso-N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine (SNAP; N3398) was used at 100 µM. Fig. Our successful webinar series continues into 2021, with early-career researchers presenting their papers and a chance to virtually network with the developmental biology community afterwards. Thus, at 4 dpf, we conclude that the ability of vSMCs to constrict in response to NA is not fully developed. However, about 70 percent of the genes in humans are also present in zebrafish, and many parts of the skeleton are similar between both species, making zebrafish much more suitable for … It is interesting to realise the similarity between the human and zebrafish embryonic development.Although initial cell division follows a meroblastic cleavage in fish rather than holoblastic in humans, segmentation, neurulation and organogenesis undergo the same development pattern. All vasoactive agents were dissolved in E3 fish medium. Doses of 1 mM SNP and 100 µM SNAP were selected from our dose-response curves, supported by doses previously published. By Terrasigillata [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons. morphofunction, interactions and pathology in a quiescent and activated mesenchymal cell niche, Microvascular endothelial-derived autacoids regulate pericyte contractility, Pericytes in capillaries are contractile in vivo, but arterioles mediate functional hyperemia in the mouse brain, Endothelial-mural cell signaling in vascular development and angiogenesis, A novel perivascular cell population in the zebrafish brain, Endothelial cilia mediate low flow sensing during zebrafish vascular development, The capillary bed offers the largest hemodynamic resistance to the cortical blood supply, Capillary pericytes regulate cerebral blood flow in health and disease, Pericyte-mediated regulation of capillary diameter: a component of neurovascular coupling in health and disease, Pericyte structure and distribution in the cerebral cortex revealed by high-resolution imaging of transgenic mice, Regional blood flow in the normal and ischemic brain is controlled by arteriolar smooth muscle cell contractility and not by capillary pericytes, Ultrastructure of cerebellar capillary hemangioblastoma. S4A-H′). These divisions highlight the changing spectrum of major developmental processes that occur during the first 3 days after fertilization, and we review some of … Mtz treatment started 24 h before imaging experiments. S1C-E‴). S2). Violin plots show individual data points as horizontal tick marks, and the width of each plot represents the density of data points along the distribution. In addition, we performed measurements of body length to understand if this morphological feature is predictive of individual sociality.18 Finally, we investigated the effect of early nutrition by comparing social ontogeny in zebrafish reared with different feeding practices.19. In the adult mouse model, there is no consensus on pericyte vasoactivity and corresponding changes in blood flow regulation. In response to PE, vSMC-covered vessels constrict at both 4 and 6 dpf (Fig. Some vessels appear to dilate in response to SNAP within the first minute of treatment (4th minute); however, as time progresses, they constrict again and remain significantly constricted for the duration of the experiment. We find that vasoactivity changes dynamically during development. Mural cells then develop vasoactivity (contraction and relaxation) but we have little information as to when this first develops or the extent to which pericytes and vSMCs contribute. (A) Schematic of the experimental timeline. However, a trend towards increased vessel diameter is seen after SNP exposure. At 6 dpf, vSMC-covered vessels constrict as predicted in response to NA. Supplementary information available online at To determine changes in vessel diameter, the cerebral vasculature was imaged before dosing (0 min) and repeatedly every minute after PE treatment (1-5 min; Fig. Photoreceptor cells (PRCs) mature from simple epithelial cells, a process characterised by growth and compartmentalisation of the apical membrane into an inner and an outer segment. Furthermore, social behavior is related to standard length on an individual basis beginning at 14 dpf, such that developmentally stunted 14 dpf zebrafish raised on dry feed do not exhibit social behaviors, suggesting some morphological features are more predictive than chronological age. (B) Pericytes are typically found on vessels with diameters of ≤6.5 μm (n=215 pericyte-covered vessel regions), while vSMCs appear on the larger cerebral vessels (≥9.5 μm; n=130 vSMC-covered vessel regions). 7). FIG. 2020 The timeline and early mechanisms of valve development differ in zebrafish when compared with the developing mouse or chick (Combs and Yutzey, 2009). Fish that spent <10% of the experiment in motion (as defined by moving at least one-third of their total body length per frame) were not included in subsequent analyses. FIG. FIG. Metronidazole (Mtz; M3761) was used at 50 µM for 3 dpf mural cell ablation, at 50 µM for 5 dpf vSMC ablation and at 5 mM for pericyte ablation. found that pericytes regulate cerebral vessel diameters and the consequent changes in RBC velocity (Hall et al., 2014). The Zebrafish, Danio rerio, is tropical freshwater fish and a very popular model organism for scientific research in the fields of development, vertebrate processes, genetics, and more. Latency was calculated for each dyad by measuring the time from time 0 to the peak correlation (Fig. (B) At 6 dpf, both pericyte and vSMC populations have increased in number. 3C-G; 14/16 vessels constrict, Fig. 1999 Dec;23(4):442-6. Spatial preference refers to an animal's tendency to prefer the side of the tank where conspecifics are visible. S3B) but not in response to vehicle (P=0.161, n=22 from 13 embryos). vSMC coverage of the cerebral endothelium also extends more dorsally over time (Fig. Ulrich et al. Here, these diminutive powerhouses of developmental biology research are used to characterize the chemical biology of vertebrate development, and to also discover novel chemical tools to selectively modulate embryonic development. 2H; Table S2, Fig. These results indicate that social behavior as measured by our dyad assay parameters develop rapidly. At 4 dpf, pericytes are present on smaller cerebral capillaries with diameters ≤6.5 μm (Fig. Imaging was carried out using a Zeiss LSM 700 or Zeiss LSM 880 in Airyscan super-resolution mode confocal microscopes. For further information, please contact . Cerebral vSMCs can be visualized using the transgenic line Tg(acta2:EGF) (Whitesell et al., 2014), which is expressed in vSMCs (and not pericytes) and is first seen at about 3-3.5 days postfertilization (dpf) in the ventral head, much later than pericyte markers. S3A). Pericytes share the basement membrane with endothelial cells, and the two cell types physically contact each other via peg and socket connections (Armulik et al., 2005, 2011). Later, at 6 dpf, once greater numbers of vSMCs have differentiated and neuronal activity is increasing, vSMCs become the primary regulators of vascular tone. development of the embryo of the zebrafish, Danio (Brachydanio) rerio. (A) At 4 dpf, both pericyte and vSMC-covered vessels constrict, whereas only pericyte-covered vessels dilate. At 4 dpf, pericyte-covered vessels dilate an average of 6% in response to SNP (P≤0.005, n=53 from 15 embryos; Fig. Altogether, these findings suggest a sequential acquisition of progressively more complex social behaviors over a rapid timescale (Fig. Refinement of orienting behavior and social cueing. There was no dilation in the vehicle control group (P=0.211, n=32 from 6 embryos). © 2021 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. Thus, the reduced, but not absent, activity could be a result of unlabeled pericytes that are not ablated. Zebrafish em-bryos of 4 h post-fertilization (hpf) (0 dpf) were incubated with MWCNTs at 0.005, 0.05, 0.5, 5 and 50 ppm final concentrations. 1. We show that both pericyte-covered and vSMC-covered vessels regulate their diameters in response to agents, but at different stages of development. Zebrafish were mounted on glass-bottomed Petri dishes (MatTek, P50G-0-30-F), using 0.8% low melt agarose (Invitrogen, 16520-050) dissolved in E3 fish medium. pdgfrb transgene expression can be seen as early as the eight-somite stage in the neural crest, and marks cerebral pericytes by 48 hpf. Although zebrafish has not been used extensively for the analysis of bone development and disease, several studies have highlighted its potential. In contrast, at this stage, vSMCs are still developing the capacity to contract and relax, and their response is slow and heterogeneous. VSMC-covered vessels at 4 dpf include the caudal division of the internal carotid (CaDI) and the basilar artery (BA). Refinement of orienting behavior was measured using vector strength in a subset of animals, where no frames were discarded due to detection errors. If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. determined that, up until 3 dpf, the development of neuronal structures is not affected by the presence or absence of vessels in the zebrafish hindbrain (Ulrich et al., 2011). Furthermore, zebrafish erythrocytes have a diameter of ∼5 µm, about the same diameter as zebrafish brain capillaries, which forces these cells to deform while squeezing through constricted blood vessel regions (Noguchi and Gompper, 2005; Pawlik et al., 1981; Skalak and Branemark, 1969). ; Methodology: N.B. In vivo analyses using zebrafish have some advantages over those using mice. Sample sizes for each age are the following: 10d: 16, 12d: 86, 14d: 126, 16d: 50, and 30d: 36. dpf, days postfertilization. Violin plots show individual data points as horizontal tick marks, and the width of each plot represents the density of data points along the distribution. ; Funding acquisition: S.J.C. Taken together, these observations argue that direct pericyte activity modulates cerebral vessel diameter in early development. The vehicle control showed no significant activity (P=0.155, n=5 from 5 embryos). We found that vector strength increased significantly at each time point measured until 14 dpf, and remained constant thereafter (Fig. Reproduction. The number of vessels measured and the number of embryos used for each experiment is indicated in the figure caption. We established 10 μM as the most effective dose of phenylephrine (PE) at 6 dpf from published doses in combination with our own dose-response curves. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are small, freshwater fish commonly found in the tropics. Timing and plasticity of shoaling behaviour in the zebrafish, Ontogeny of collective behavior reveals a simple attraction rule, Biological motion as an innate perceptual mechanism driving social affiliation, Stednitz SJ, McDermott EM, Ncube , D, Tallafuss A, Eisen JS, Washbourne P, Forebrain control of behaviorally driven social orienting in zebrafish, Early embryonic ethanol exposure impairs shoaling and the dopaminergic and serotoninergic systems in adult zebrafish, Shoaling develops with age in Zebrafish (, Parichy DM, Elizondo MR, Mills MG, Gordon TN, Engeszer RE, Normal table of postembryonic zebrafish development: staging by externally visible anatomy of the living fish, A Guide for the Laboratory Use of Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Patterson BW, Abraham AO, MacIver MA, McLean DL, Visually guided gradation of prey capture movements in larval zebrafish. At 4 dpf, vSMC-covered vessels constrict within the first minute (P≤0.0001, n=16 from 15 embryos; Fig. For example, pericytes contract during ischemia and remain contracted even after reperfusion of the occluded artery (Yemisci et al., 2009). The cerebral vascular network is stabilized by perivascular cells, which include pericytes, vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMCs), astrocytes, microglia, perivascular macrophages (PVMs) and fluorescent granular perithelial cells (FGPs; originally known as Mato cells) (Gaengel et al., 2009; Galanternik et al., 2017; Mato and Ookawara, 1979; Williams et al., 2001). Thus, using a second method, we demonstrate that pericyte- and vSMC-covered vessels have developed tone by 4 dpf, and 6 dpf, respectively. In summary, pericyte-covered vessels constrict in response to α1-adrenoceptor agonists PE and NA at 4 dpf but not at 6 dpf. ... 24hpf during zebrafish development, the processes re-quired for HSC generation are already underway from. In this low-flow state, shear stress causes deflection of endothelial cilia that function as mechanosensors, and induces the recruitment of mural cells to the endothelium (Chen et al., 2017; Goetz et al., 2014). 4.1 Zebrafish znfl1s regulate left-right asymmetry patterning through controlling the expression of fgfr1a; 5 2016. Using adult rat brain slices and the mouse brain in vivo, Hall et al. Chronological age influences overall standard body length (as measured from the front of the face to the end of the tail, excluding fins; Fig. Thank you for your interest in spreading the word on Development. For the first time, we have harnessed the advantages of optical clarity and availability of transgenic lines for pericyte and vSMC lineages in zebrafish to explore the dynamic role of mural cells in regulating vascular diameter during embryonic development. However, as vSMC-covered vessel constriction is also observed in these controls, we conclude there is both a specific response of vSMCs via the α1-adrenoceptor pathway, as well as a non-specific response that is sensitive to the addition of a vehicle. S5M-P) at 2 min (P=0.012) and remain constricted. To further explore the relationship between standard length, age, and social behavior, we raised a cohort of larvae to 14 dpf using a dry food regimen that impairs the rate of growth relative to live food (n = 22). Click on the small images to download larger versions (most are < 0.1 MB, 300 dpi jpg files, and TIFF files are also available). As changes in heart rate might affect vascular dynamics and confound our analysis, we determined that heart rate was unaltered in response to pharmacological agents (Fig. (E) Orienting behavior plotted by standard length for 14 dpf zebrafish reared on dry versus live food. S8A,B; Table S9). The roles of pericytes and vSMCs in regulating cerebral vessel diameter is conflicting in the literature for several reasons. S5R). Violin plots show individual data points as horizontal tick marks, and the width of each plot represents the density of data points along the distribution. We identify temporal and functional transcript co-variance that … S3B). At 6 dpf, only vSMC-covered vessels show vasoactivity in response to pharmacological stimuli (Fig. Time: 13:00 (GMT) Significance was determined using a repeated measure one-way ANOVA (*P≤0.05, ***P≤0.0005, ****P≤0.00005). (A) Spatial relationship between pericytes and astrocytes (marked with GFAP:GFP) at 4 dpf. In contrast, vSMC-covered vessels constrict at 6 dpf, and dilate at both stages. F is an overlay of D and E. Arrows indicate constriction between the two time points. Hemodynamic load increases between 24 and 48 hpf, and the diameter of the DA and posterior cardinal vein (PCV) of the trunk increases (Sugden et al., 2017). Find out more and view our full list of participating institutions. 300 cells) were injected into circulation via the duct of Cuvier. The neuronal mechanisms behind these rapid behavioral changes remain an outstanding question. (A) A model of vSMC and pericyte locations on 6 dpf zebrafish embryo cerebral vessels. Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. In the zebrafish brain at 4 dpf, pericytes appear sporadically along vessels with long processes that extend along the surface of the endothelium (Fig. From the repeated measures one-way ANOVAs, P values from Dunnett's test are reported. We then ablated pericytes. At 6 dpf, pericyte processes are in close proximity and appear to contact one another (Fig. Zebrafish rapidly acquire complex social behaviors between 10 and 16 dpf. Experimental timeline showing injections at one-cell stage, heat shock (HS) at 24 hpf, and imaging from 1–3 dpf. In this project, I aimed to establish and characterise in detail the stages of PRC maturation in zebrafish. Sample sizes for each age are the following unless otherwise noted in the figure legends: 10d: 16, 12d: 86, 14d: 126, 16d: 50, and 30d: 36. We next assessed vSMC-covered vessel dilation in response to SNP at 4 dpf, but found no activity (P≤0.992, n=42 from 23 embryos; Fig. The 5th edition is available in print and within the ZFIN Protocol Wiki. Another possibility is that as mural cell numbers are increasing between 4 and 6 dpf, there may be newly differentiating mural cells that have vasomotor activity, but do not express high enough levels of the driver to undergo ablation. Endocannabinoids (eCBs) mediate their effects through actions on several receptors, including the cannabinoid receptors CB1R and CB2R. (B) Relative spatial preference arises and plateaus at 12 dpf. We observed direct contact between pericytes and astrocytes in the 4 and 6 dpf zebrafish brain (Fig. This structure of the pancreas, along with … These embryos have the great advantage that they develop as \"see through\" embryos, that is, all internal development can be clearly observed from the outside in the living embryo. (B) Average polar plots across each age group sampled collapsed about the 180° axis to generate “calzone” plots. We next assessed pericyte- and vSMC-covered vessel dilation at 6 dpf and found no dilation of either pericyte (P=0.438, n=79 from 7 embryos; Table S10) or vSMC-covered vessels (P=0.240, n= 25 from 16 embryos; Fig. By 6 dpf, the abundance of mural cells increases; there are more pericytes than vSMCs at both stages. vSMC-covered vessels constrict an average of 9% in response to PE (P=0.0001, n=38 from 22 embryos; Fig. Timeline and stages of zebrafish embryonic development : 0 - 0.75 hrs Zygote Period 0.75 - 2.25 hrs Cleavage Period 2.25 - 5.25 hrs Blastula Period 5.25 - 10.33 hrs Gastrula Period 10.33 - 24 hrs Segmentation Period 24 - 48 hrs Pharyngula Period 48-72 hrs Hatching Period 72 hrs - … 42. Zebrafish development is well characterized and highly sim-ilar to other vertebrates including humans. F2: Comparative timeline of embryonic zebrafish and mouse hematopoiesis. Timeline events and experimental design for the chronic exposure through zebrafish development. (C) There is no vasomotor response when vSMCs are ablated. Pericyte-covered vessels can regulate cerebral vessel diameter at a time when vSMCs are only starting to differentiate at 4 dpf. All vessel diameter measurements were paired before and after treatment. Interestingly, we observed a refinement of the stereotyped 45°–90° orienting behavior we previously described in adults over this timescale.15 Although the preferred angle is consistently within this window, variability decreases over time (Fig. 2B,C-G; Movie 1; Table S1). In contrast, vSMCs wrap perpendicularly around vessels. Third, the resting diameter of vessels with ablated pericytes is larger than wild-type pericyte-covered vessels, suggesting that pericytes contribute to the regulation of vessel diameter at this stage. Most pericyte-covered vessels constrict, but some dilate, and a subset does not respond to PE (Fig. S4L-N″). (F) Spatial relationship between pericytes and astrocytes at 6 dpf. Liu C-X, Li C-Y, Hu C-C, Wang Y, Lin J, Jiang Y-H, CRISPR/Cas9-induced mutant zebrafish display autism-like behaviors, Shams S, Amlani S, Buske C, Chatterjee D, Gerlai R, Developmental social isolation affects adult behavior, social interaction, and dopamine metabolite levels in zebrafish, Experimental design affects social behavior outcomes in adult zebrafish developmentally exposed to lead, Zimmermann FF, Gaspary KV, Leite CE, De Paula Cognato G, Bonan CD, Embryological exposure to valproic acid induces social interaction deficits in zebrafish (, Using zebrafish (Danio rerio) models to understand the critical role of social interactions in mental health and wellbeing, Late onset of Synaptotagmin 2a expression at synapses relevant to social behavior, Early-Life Social Experience Shapes Social Avoidance Reactions in Larval Zebrafish. Edits were made to enhance scientific accuracy, optimal usability and/or to meet industry-leading design standards for science communication. (B) Standard length plotted by age. This protocol describes a method to visualize clones of progenitor cells and neurons in the developing zebrafish hindbrain and follow them in vivo using Brainbow and time-lapse confocal microscopy 11. In this article we shall cover the basic embryological development of the limbs, as well as some important clinical conditions. At 4 dpf, pdgfrb-expressing pericytes have been present for about 2 days, while vSMCs are only starting to express acta2 and are therefore not fully differentiated. Fig. This highly variable and early stage in development represents an opportunity to further understand how genetic and environmental factors affect the assembly of the neural circuits underlying complex behaviors. We report that zebrafish exhibit increasingly complex social behaviors between 10 and 16 dpf, including place preference, orienting, and social cueing. S5A-D; Table S1). 2C). This data support the observation that pericytes actively regulate vessel diameter at 4 dpf but not 6 dpf. At 4 dpf, vSMC-covered vessels constrict but are unable to dilate (P≤0.0001, n=15 from 11 embryos; Fig. Embryos expressing pdgfrb:Gal4 driver expressed in pericytes (Ando et al., 2016) in combination with a transgenic reporter expressing the nitroreductase (NTR) gene fused to mCherry under the UAS promoter were exposed to metronidazole (Mtz) for 24 h. NTR converts Mtz into a cytotoxic metabolite, resulting in cell death without damage to nearby cells. 1. Zebrafish have been used in course modules to demonstrate second messenger systems ( 32 ), oxygen consumption ( 33 ), and nervous system development ( 34 ). This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant R33MH104188. Color bars indicate the developmental phases with gradients representing embryo-larval and larval-juvenile transitions. Similarly, there are often considerable chronological gaps between when these measurements are made—is social ontogeny a continuous process, or one that occurs very rapidly over developmental time? Our approach to quantifying zebrafish patterns begins to address major challenges associated with quantifying agent-based dynamics in an objective and automated way, but there are also limitations to our methods. S6G,H; Table S4). The pancreas has an endocrine compartment, which contains a variety of cells. Considering the entire 14 dpf data set, length remained significantly correlated to orienting behavior (R2 = 0.131, p < 0.001). Thus, a small change in diameter on the smallest vessels might dramatically decrease resistance and increase blood flow. Zebrafish as a Model for Translational Research. Approximate developmental stages of zebrafish, and the ages at which specific social behaviors are first detectable as described in this article. We conclude that some vSMC-covered vessels can constrict in response to PE at 4 dpf. Additionally, whereas some pericyte-covered regions respond to vasoactive agents, other regions may dilate in response to accommodate for the blood flow within the vascular network. Spatial preference for the side of the tank adjacent to conspecifics increased at 12 dpf relative to 10 dpf, such that 12 dpf zebrafish begin to exhibit interest in conspecifics and are more likely to be found adjacent to the divider when a social stimulus is visible (p = 0.021; Fig. 3A), and we report an increase in standard body length from 10 to 16 dpf (R2 = 0.229, p < 0.001; Fig. Surprisingly, at 6 dpf, on average pericyte-covered vessels do not constrict in response to PE (Fig. However in a separate study, mural cell recruitment in the head was shown to be flow independent around the basilar artery (BA) and central arteries (CtAs) of the brain, trunk DA and intersegmental vessels (ISVs) (Ando et al., 2016). 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