Keeping eye convergence on the thumb, try to watch the left image of the seen object and notice as many details as possible. These findings suggest that there is an impairment of the fidelity of disparity-driven vergence pursuit eye movement control in the acute mTBI subjects, but not in the Havana affected subjects. Schematic diagram of the model for dynamic analysis of pupillary light response data. can help you get the hang of Convergence tests with quick and painless video and text lessons. The eye movements in the disparity step and the pursuit tasks were modeled as the weighted sum of first-order high- and low-pass representations of the vergence target position with a processing delay (1). When the eyes converge, the focusing (accommodative) system is engaged, and the pupils get slightly smaller. (1987) 19:344–50. Two different subjects (black and green traces) are shown for each group. Griffin JH, Wray SH, Anderson DP. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. doi: 10.1007/s00422-005-0042-8, 14. The end result is often fatigue, headache, and likely avoidance of near work. Maxwell J, Tong J, Schor CM. 11:469. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00469. (2006) 94:215–24. All individuals were evaluated in the acute period [tested 58 ± 36 h (SD) after injury]. Figures 5C,D show that the discriminant dimension scores were uncorrelated with the age of the subjects. Convergence and divergence are unique eye movements as these are the only eye movements that are not conjugate (meaning the eyes move in the same direction) but are instead termed disconjugate. However, when pupil area was normalized as a percentile of the pupil response range, the Havana affected subjects had significantly higher sensitivity per degree of eye movement than either the control or the acute mTBI subjects. Only eye care professionals can take decisions on medical treatment, diagnosis or prescription. We have termed this presentation as “worried well.” This fact alone, as well as the potential ongoing threat to diplomatic and other “forward” deployed assets (who face myriad other threats as part of their daily work), creates a critical need for standardized, accurate diagnostic criteria. The linear discriminant analysis (Wilks-lambda criterion) demonstrated that the results of the two binocular disparity vergence and the pupillary light response tests are sufficient to classify individual subjects with high accuracy as control, acute mTBI, or Havana affected (Table 3). doi: 10.1097/OPX.0b013e3182772dce, 5. During this sinusoidal movement, the maximum deviation of the response from the initial position was ±2.6° of the visual angle in the horizontal plane. As in the case of the disparity step task, the goodness of fit (R2) for vergence eye movements (to the stimulus profile) showed no difference between the control and the Havana affected subjects. Keane JR. Neuro-ophthalmic signs and symptoms of hysteria. Stevens SS. Words may become blurry, doubled, or appear to move around on the page. Based upon Sun et al. (2018) 9:990. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00990, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, 2. (2018) 4:124–31. The patient is to report when the light breaks into two lights (double vision). Diagnosis of convergence insufficiency (e.g., in mTBI) is typically documented by (1) a minimum near point of convergence >6 cm from the face, (2) greater exodeviation for near objects than far objects, and (3) a positive fusional vergence during a prism test. They provided data with written informed consent under protocols approved by the IRBs at the University of Miami and the Madigan Army Medical Center and in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. N00014-18-1-2157). Figure 4 shows the examples of model performance for a representative Havana affected subject. If the uncovered eye does not show a fixation shift as the occluder is placed, but as the occluder is pulled away, the covered eye shows a refixation movement once binocular conditions are restored – this represents a phoria. The findings might allow investigators to begin to develop a set of objective findings that are typical for the acute neurosensory dysfunction among some members of the Havana diplomatic community. More than just simple eye movements occur with convergence. The pupil data were analyzed both as peak constriction velocity for each flash intensity and from the parameter estimation for a model described in the Appendix. They are used as an adequate parsimonious model, with fewer free parameters for estimation than the more elaborate models such as that of Maxwell et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). © All Rights Reserved, Vivid Vision, Inc. EYEBAB vision therapy software now available through Vivid Vision. These affected individuals often reported hearing a loud, high-frequency, localized sound, and were under the impression that it could follow them in a room. Hoffer ME, Levin BE, Snapp H, Buskirk J, Balaban CD. Psychol Rev. Examinations and formal testing at the University of Miami in the acute to the subacute time frames found had objective evidence of both an otolithic abnormality and of cognitive dysfunction in a group of 25 individuals (2). The IRB at the the University of Miami approved the retrospective study of clinical data from the Havana Affected cohort. Most commune errors. doi: 10.1152/jn.1957.20.1.17, 11. Pupillary light responses and binocular disparity vergence eye movement performance were tested quantitatively with a clinical eye tracking system within a portable 3D head-mounted display system D × 100 [Neurolign USA, LLC a subsidiary of Neurolign Technologies (formerly Neuro Kinetics I-Portal, I-PAS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA]. Note that a lumped parameter dynamic model (described in Appendix), based upon a series of published model iterations from the Stark laboratory (8, 10–13), provided a reasonably robust fit to the responses in control, acute mTBI, and Havana affected subjects. Divergence excess is an over-divergence when attempting to look at distant objects. This is "Eye Convergence Test" by Stephen Stinn on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Although the patient may perceive the images as overlapping, the actual location of the images is rather far apart. The Havana affected subjects, on the other hand, had smaller baseline pupil areas than the control subjects for light reflex testing and during binocular disparity tests, associated with larger pupil changes per degree of vergence when data were normalized to the pupil area range. People with convergence insufficiency might have otherwise normal vision, so it's important to mention reading or learning concerns to your eye care provider. The patterns of response in these 19 individuals are markedly different than those seen in a group of individuals with the usual acute mild traumatic brain injury (17 subjects) and from 62 control subjects (21–60 years old) with no injury. Autonomic control of the eye. Because the binocular disparity stimuli were predictable and relatively brief, one cannot exclude the possibility of a contribution of an impaired executive function to performance on these tasks, given the elevated prevalence of abnormal antisaccade task error rates in both subjects with acute mTBI (21) and the Havana affected cohort (2) Randomized disparity testing may be helpful in resolving the latter issue in the future. Here a patient over-convergences, which may cause pulling or straining sensations, or an inward eye turn. (1976) 26:1018–20. Suzuki R, Yoshino H, Kobayashi S. Different time courses of bovine iris sphincter and dilator muscles after stimulation. Oculomotor, vestibular, and reaction time tests in mild traumatic brain injury. The pupil area is measured from each image at a resolution of 139 pixels/mm2. Figure 5. As mentioned previously regarding Figure 3, the subject groups differed in the appearance of the components of the pupil area responses that were related to the vergence eye movements. In late 2016, diplomats in Havana, Cuba, began presenting with a unique symptom complex after perceiving a strange noise and/or feeling a pressure field in their domicile. The targets were then shifted at 4-s intervals between a disparity requiring 1.5° convergence (from the initial fixation target) and a disparity requiring 1.5° divergence (from the initial fixation target) in order to achieve binocular fusion. Let's use a VR example. Neurology. For the vergence pursuit (tracking) task, the trial began with the illumination of the two monocular targets at the initial focal point phoria (equivalent to ~1 m in virtual depth). For the disparity step test (Figure 3, right panels), the targets move abruptly. By contrast, the disparity step-driven eye movements in the Havana affected subjects did not differ significantly from those of the control subjects. Near point of convergence after a sport-related concussion: measurement reliability and relationship to neurocognitive imapairment and symptoms. Relying on subjective near point convergence (NPC) measures and not objective observation of the eye fixation. The sum of these signals drives the iris musculature, with faster dynamics and a shorter delay for the sphincter muscle (Kse−0.2s0.35+1) than the dilator muscle (Kde-0.5s3.5s+1). A cohort of 18 subjects from the University of Miami, the Naval Medical Center San Diego, and the Madigan Army Medical Center (17 with complete data) provided data with informed consent under protocols approved by the IRBs at the University of Miami, the Naval Medical Center San Diego, and the Madigan Army Medical Center and in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Most notably, there were no classification errors between the Havana affected and the acute mTBI subjects. If you are struggling, please do not hesitate to … Keywords: vergence eye movements, pupil regulation, human, objective diagnosis, video-oculography, Citation: Balaban CD, Szczupak M, Kiderman A, Levin BE and Hoffer ME (2020) Distinctive Convergence Eye Movements in an Acquired Neurosensory Dysfunction. Swanson R, Hampton S, Green-Mckenzie J, Diaz-Arrastia R, Sean MG, Verma R, et al. The target then moved smoothly through three cycles of a sinusoidal profile, such that the monocular targets moved simultaneously laterally and then medially to produce binocular disparity (i.e., the left eye target moved leftward, while the right eye target moved rightward, and then the left eye target moved rightward, while the right eye target moved leftward) with a cycle duration of 10 s (Figure 3, left traces). If the patient's convergence ability is good enough to meet the convergence amount needed in the headset, the chicken and egg match perfectly! (2012) 89:1740–51. Patterns of pupillary activity during binocular disparity resolution. doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.1742, 4. JAMA. Table 3. As noted previously (2), their findings are not inconsistent with either a partially compensated vestibulopathy or a mild brain trauma (or both). doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-52903-9.00024-8, 20. The goodness of fit was uncorrelated with age. FDA Registration Number 3014400613 Alvarez TL, Kim ET, Vicci VR, Dhar SK, Biswal BB, Barrett AM. The entire cohort was composed of 15 males and 10 females (mean 43.2 ± 12.6 years of age, SD; all under 64 years of age). In our example, the chicken is visible only in the left eye and the egg is shown only to the right eye (watch the video of the actual task here). CB, MS, BL, and MH contributed to the conception and design of the study and contributed to manuscript revision. Concussion. (C) Separation of acute mTBI, control, and Havana affected subject by discriminant dimension 1 across ages. Secondly, the affected individuals reported perceptions that coincided with symptom onset. It is included to examine the response at higher frequencies. The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by The Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) at the University of Miami and Madigan Army Medical Center approved the prospective studies of control subjects and subjects with mTBI. A person can pass the 20/20 eye chart test and still have convergence insufficiency. The separation of the subject groups by the discriminant scores, across ages from 20 to 60 years, is shown in Figures 5A–D. For the disparity pursuit task, the targets move gradually to produce coordinated, sinusoidal convergence eye movements and changes in pupil area (Figure 3, left panels). The analysis of de-identified, retrospective data was approved by the University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board and the institutional review board (IRB) at the University of Miami and the Madigan Army Medical Center. (8), the pupil controller dynamics were fitted from the vergence data by a transfer function for pupil motion, Kpe-tps0.28s+1, with delay tp and gain Kp, which estimates the near response sensitivity directly. Vivid Vision and Vivid Vision Home October 2020 Update! The models were fitted initially for each eye. The etiology of isolated CI, not related to trauma or neurological disease, has not been completely determined. The response sensitivity in the acute mTBI group did not differ from that of the control subjects. Video-based eye tracking is performed under continuous 940-nm infrared illumination at a sampling rate of 100 Hz. For that stimulus, the response was reduced significantly in the acute mTBI group relative to the control group (HSD test, p < 0.05, with the Havana exposed subjects not differing from either group). Because there is a significant negative linear relationship between the average baseline pupil area and age in the control subjects (area = −0.342 * age + 29.176, r = −0.499, p < 0.001), the analysis was repeated with age as a covariate, which eliminated significant group differences (Table 1). Sun F, Krenz WC, Stark LW. Non-linear least squares regression (“lsqnonlin.m” function in MATLAB) was used to estimate the power function and the gain parameters from experimental data. Session 5 – Observation of the Eyes and Additional Tests for Drug Impairment • State the purposes of various eye examinations used in the ARIDE Curriculum, which includes Vertical Gaze Nystagmus (VGN), and Lack of Convergence (LOC) • Discuss Vertical Gaze Nystagmus • Discuss Lack of Convergence Learning Objectives 5-2 As shown in our previous publication (1), the residuals from this approach showed no activity in the range of the vergence eye movements, which indicates the descriptive adequacy of this simple model for the present analyses. Discriminant function for control, acute traumatic brain injury (mTBI), and Havana affected patients from binocular disparity tests. Instruct the patient to focus on the object and then slowly move the object closer to the patient at a steady rate, stopping 1 to 2 inches away from the patient's nose. (D) Separation of acute mTBI, control, and Havana affected subject by discriminant dimension 2 across ages. doi: 10.1177/0363546514543775, 6. Balaban CD, Kiderman A, Szczupak M, Ashmore RC, Hoffer ME. The basic separation is shown for the scores in Figure 5B. Stark L, Sherman PM. Since there was no significant difference between the left and the right pupil responses for these binocular stimuli, the responses were then averaged. The difference in the dynamic properties of these muscle is based upon published findings from bovine muscle (24). Moreover, as in the case of the binocular disparity step task, the goodness of fit of the vergence eye movements of the acute mTBI subjects to the stimulus profile was reduced relative to those of both the control and Havana affected subjects (HSD tests, p < 0.01). Concurrent visual dysfunctions in convergence insufficiency with traumatic brain injury. (8) as a parsimonious descriptor of the data. Barnyard Bounce is a game designed to treat convergence insufficiency. However, it is noteworthy that the pattern of oculomotor and otologic findings in this cluster of individuals has no precedent in the “psychogenic” literature. Further, three arguments suggest that it is premature to invoke a functional etiology. Vergence angle is represented in degrees relative to zero at initial fixation. Two test paradigms involve the presentation of small target spots to each eye to evoke convergent or divergent eye movements by moving toward the nose or away from the nose. New York, NY: Elsevier (2011). Stated bluntly, one entertains a psychogenic or functional diagnosis after excluding known organic explanations. This test simply aims to give you a general idea about your visual capacity. (2018) 319:1125–33. doi: 10.1159/000265519. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2010.05.029, 10. In order for you to look at an object as it moves closer to your face, the eyes must rotate inward (converge) toward the object. These archival eye recording data have been analyzed retrospectively based upon algorithms from a recent publication that assessed both the vergence eye movements and the coordinated changes in pupil area during binocular disparity-driven convergence in more than 50 control subjects (1). We all spend a lot of time scanning the computer screens or browsing text on paper as an unavoidable part of our life. The pupil area modulation of the Havana affected subjects, measured in mm2/°, did not differ from that of the control for either constriction or dilation. The symmetry of the convergence responses was tested by fitting separate gains for convergence vs. divergence and for pupil constriction vs. dilatation. The subjects can adjust the focus of the video image for each eye across a ±4 diopter range. Targets for the disparity fusion (“vergence tracking”) task were a white square with a red center that subtended ~0.1° of the visual angle for each eye. Treatment often focuses on working the ability of the eyes to converge and focus at different distances. We recommend that you follow-up this test with a full vision evaluation by a vision care specialist. Issues in psychophysical measurement. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. A servoanalytic study of the consensual pupil reflex to light. Understanding the effects of mild traumatic brain injury on the pupillary light reflex. (2). Vision therapy uses a series of activities to build up progressively the ability to converge, diverge, and the rapidly alternate between convergence and divergence. These findings were reviewed, respectively, on an approved protocol (2) and formed the basis of the data set used in this study. (1983) 82:313–24. The editor and reviewers' affiliations are the latest provided on their Loop research profiles and may not reflect their situation at the time of review. The subjects were 42 males and 22 females, ranging from 21 to 60 years of age (mean 32.3 ± 10.0 years of age, SD). To perform this test, a clinician will use a small penlight or other fixation target and then slowly move the light towards the patient. This model is a lumped representation of the processes described in a series of papers from the Stark laboratory, spanning several decades (8, 10–13). The luminance signals were then processed in parallel by a high-pass mechanism with transfer function Klh s 0.085s+1 and a low-pass mechanism with transfer function Kll 0.15s+1 (where “s” is a variable for the Laplace representation of the transfer function). Neurol., 16 June 2020 However, look at what happens if a patient is unable to converge to match the convergence amount needed in the game. Hôpital ophtalmique Jules-Gonin, Switzerland, New Jersey Institute of Technology, United States. This might include questions about problems you have with focusing, blurred or double vision, headaches, and symptoms. The datasets generated for this study are available on request to the corresponding author. The time course of the retinal disparity stimulus is shown by the heavy blue line in the convergence panels, offset above the responses for illustrative purposes. The pupil controller Laplace form was adopted from Sun et al. If you're experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, your eye care professional may suggest vision therapy or may refer you to a behavioral optometrist that specializes in the treatment of binocular disorders. The criteria used for the diagnosis included a standard military definition of having a head injury, suffering an alteration or loss of consciousness, and having new neurosensory symptoms with onset at the time of injury and persisting until during our team's evaluation (all individuals ended up to have symptoms for at least 1 week). For example, the subjects with acute mTBI had lower magnitude vergence eye movements in either task than the control or the Havana affected subjects. For variables that were not rejected as Gaussian, paired comparisons between group data were performed by analysis of variance, followed by Tukey's highest significant difference (HSD) and Games–Howell post hoc tests. Because there are significant negative linear relationships between these measures and age in the control subjects, the analyses were repeated with age as a covariate (Table 1). Convergence Tests. Pupil area responses during binocular presentation of 13 homogeneous illumination flashes (0.42 to 65.4 cd/m2, 0.310 s on, 2.03 s off). This is a test that the optometrist does in order to test the ability of your eyes to come together effectively as you focus close to. The parameter estimates in the results section are from the averaged data. We depend on this skill for distance activities such as reading the board at school, driving and watching TV. The penlight is then moved farther away and the patient is asked when the recovery point (resolution of double vision) occurs. Examples of vergence (upper trace, convergence in the positive direction) and concurrent pupil area changes (lower trace, area in mm2) in control (upper panels), Havana affected (middle panels), and acute mild traumatic brain injury (lower panels). We depend on this visual skill for near-work activities such as desk work at school, working on a smartphone type device, or even in sports when catching a ball. Separate analyses expressed the magnitude of the pupil response during disparity-driven vergence as either (1) pupil area per degree vergence (mm2/°) or (2) pupil area as a normalized percentage of light reflex range per degree vergence. The analysis of the responses (Table 2) showed that the acute mTBI group had significantly lower gains for the low-pass components of the eye movements than either the control or the Havana affected subjects (Kruskal–Wallis tests, p < 0.01) as well as a significantly poorer goodness of fit (HSD tests, p < 0.01). FDA Owner Operator Number 10057298. Common symptoms include: Reading is a great example of a task that requires normal convergence. Figure 3 (right panels) shows the distinct coordinated response of the pupil during the step vergence eye movements in two control and two Havana affected subjects and the much less distinct pupil responses in two subjects from the acute mTBI group. Prolonged visual strain leads to weakness of eye muscles or convergence weakness and discomfort in eyes. There were 23 subjects with pupillary light reflex tests (mean age 42.0 ± 7.6 years, SD) and 19 subjects who also had both binocular step and smooth pursuit vergence tests (mean age 40.5 ± 9.1 years, SD; under 56 years of age). These dynamic movement findings are likely to be predominantly a supranuclear oculomotor control phenomenon that is related to generating the parallel drive to the extraocular muscles and the pupil controller (14). They will do this by asking you to focus on a target held say 70cms from your eyes and then move the target closer to your eyes. Data fits by this model to the vergence eye movement of control subjects had high average coefficients of determination, which were 0.82 ± 0.04 for the step disparity task and 0.91 ± 0.02 for the pursuit disparity task. The range-normalized area (1) was calculated from raw data for an additional set of analyses . (2015) 5:439–73. Furthermore, their distinctive presentation may help guide in treatment decisions to address the mechanisms that contribute to their unusual symptom complexes. (1993) 15:102–14. Linear discriminant analysis was then used to identify a classifier for an objective discrimination of the groups with >91% accuracy and no confusion between the acute neurosensory findings among the members of the Havana diplomatic community and the subjects with acute mild traumatic brain injury. (2015) 43:3055–61. These movements are modeled as a parallel response to the signal generating the vergence eye movements [e.g., Balaban et al. As we have discussed in our initial publication (2), this study is limited by being a retrospective analysis of the data obtained on this group of individuals in which only medically necessary information could be collected. Biol Cybern. Think of this as the distance from your eyes to the point where both eyes are just unable to maintain focus and start to experience double vision. But, if the eyes are unable to maintain a converged position, reading becomes quite difficult! doi: 10.1212/WNL.32.7.757, 17. The half-width of the window was five points (50 ms) at a sample rate of 100 Hz. Front Neurol Neuro-Ophthalmol. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The transfer functions are described in the text. Now the eyes diverge, accommodation is inhibited, and the pupils slightly dilate. Figure 4. The model fit, based upon the eye movement vergence response, is shown for each trace in red. The general architecture of this simple model is diagrammed in Figure 1. For the analyses of the peak constriction velocity data (a measure of dynamic performance), the only significant effect was noted at one flash intensity (47.8 cd/mm2). At the current time, however, this remains an empirical observation and more work is needed to study the findings. Convergence Tests. In short, absolutely. As part of these examinations, all individuals underwent detailed video recordings of eye movements. doi: 10.1007/BF00344393, 9. In addition, the study is limited by a small sample size. II Feedback model Biol Cybern. Our short 5-minute videos explain complicated Convergence tests concepts in a manner that's easy for you to understand. Sign up through our doctor locator to see if Vivid Vision is right for you. as you exercise your eye muscles for the first few times. (1983) 48:101–8. The reviewer TA declared a past collaboration with one of the authors MH to the handling editor. Binocular disparity-driven tests provide a way to assess the coordination of movements related to convergence eye movements (1). Performance of discriminant function for classifying control, acute mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), and Havana affected subjects. You follow-up this test simply aims to give you a general idea about your visual capacity convergence! 1 ) and Havana affected or the acute convergence eye test video group did not differ from of! The neurological examination for simulation of relative afferent pupil defects and the pupil area is measured each! Model for simulation of relative afferent pupil defects and the disparity pursuit responses 1,920 × 1,080-pixel stimulus that... | Google Scholar, 2 panels show the responses were small and less sharply demarcated in the acute mTBI though! Is limited by a vision care specialist point convergence ( NPC ) faraway object they. 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